March 2023 is the start of the most critical phase of COVID-19. There will be another round of escalation in the world," said Borsch. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. I am 5xs vaxxed. Just for yourself, just now, treat Covid the way you treat AIDS and cigarettes. Almost as if nobody wanted anyone in England to know about it. The lunar nodes show your past life and the reason you are here now. I agree with you, nature is magical. There is a lot riding on March 2023, I see it come up in your posts about so many topics. Years of politics with people or organisations surrounding your chosen field are over, then. Perhaps other readers are. From November 21, 2021, it will again enter Aquarius when we can expect another onslaught of health issues and challenging times. My dentist has been pointing it out for the past several years. In this life, I was working so much, and did not do the screening tests I should have done and got myself into a situation with my health. It is also called UVC and UV222. Our planet is live and constantly adjusts to maintain its own life is a great quote. One last question, please can you take a look at my birth chart and let me know what your thoughts are I seem to be Aries in steroids! Im been quite isolated in general- but it looks like I will have a job where Ill have to travel more, including planes. Also, for example, mites can be found inside your matress and be kept alive because the light doesnt reach them. We dont know anyone with long Covid nor anyone who was seriously ill. The people who create climate emergency are the same people who create covid emergency. ACN 644668431. I have been considering selling my house/property in 2023 to retire. Viruses are usually from 5 nm to 300 nm. I had a reader recently whose girlfriend came with issues. Thank you for the great article !! This is an earthy chart, dominated by Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn so you are best suited to a career which is hands-on, practical, grounded in the real world and with a reliable income. Not sure how to handle that. It is very common for South Node in Virgo people to have been in domestic service as chambermaids or valets, butlers and so on. In the 1990s, doctors and scientists completed one of the most important studies in human history. I sincerely hope you can get well, and then fulfil your mission, which is to serve others humans or animals actually. This is the South Node in Libra in your natal chart and Pluto in and out of Capricorn in your solar chart. That is quite rare in astrology. (at my last home, I had rats running thru the kitchen on my first day on moving in, but my rescue black cat that I adopted the next week saw to the end of them.) But not everyone will make it, she warns, because there might be a slowdown. Credit: Pixabay Photo. OMG Jessica, this seems a very scary time we are going to go through next March 2023. A respiratory viral infection like Covid-19 primarily affects the lungs, which according to Shiv Sadhika Ma Vishwaroopa, astrologer and numerologist, is governed by planets Jupiter and Rahu. I wanted to respond to your comments as I always find it helpful and enjoy reading confirmations of your insights in others posts. You are a gift to the world. Actuaries tell us the truth about overall death (mortality statistics) as its their job to do so, and death rates are up all around the world. Well done on insisting on a hybrid event (Zoom and in-person) for your last gathering. Im sorry your immune system is vulnerable. Ceres is also about compromise/deal arrangements with a 50-50 split so that suggests a way of life where you make a deal with yourself half the time. This article seems to support what I understand you have said about the origins of Covid. Do you see a limitation with travel or a smaller scale shut down? Most of the humanity is kind good people who never question, investigate, or analyze where is the evil hiding? Does it make your place free of germs and viruses? But you need to understand what Virgo is. Take your time and get used to using The Tarot, The Astrology Oracle and The Garden Oracle and follow the steps, to assist your decisions with your own intuition. Because it is loss of face to have such children. The issue for you is isolation. The gift of Covid was that it forced researchers to find what worked. I have no family nearby to go stay with, closest is about 600 miles away. The Australian government. Once you find a routine you love, commit to it. I do wonder if your Covid was not a way of waking up your brother who has neglected your elderly mother. Hi Jessica, Thank you! This has been there since the day you were born and the pattern is dormant until triggers from transits pass 8, 9 degrees. 2 It has been proposed that rapid antigen tests (RATs) might assist in determining . I remember smoking a pack of cigarettes a day when I was in my twenties. You have a very mixed house of tenants. Thank you. You could actually enjoy life more; up your quality of life that would be a nice side-effect. Pure madness. I do see the natural environment as magical (my paramedic in training son mentioned that we dont understand how the air has intrinsic purifying qualities over and above its actual composition, and I think it is so for the earth.) He will either stop risking your health and his (so you can go back to the same bedroom) or there may be some other outcome, but in any case, the battle of the bedroom is over. Activism in the childrens school is free. While the predictions vary, astrologers seem to indicate that the virus will be in existence in various forms for at least a few more years to come. We have come together, were a real team the 4 of us (its been very hard on his big Virgo sister) but thats sort of it no good friends yet and no family support. The subconscious. Its not cheeky to ask for a scan of your natal chart. If you are at a loss in knowing how to get better, astrology would suggest you start with your chart, but also stay with the idea that Virgo is always opposed by Pisces, and Pisces is about what lies beneath. So much of what we do is unconscious when it comes to our bodies. The eleventh number is Aquarius. The virus started on the West Coast in Washington State and soon spread to the Bay Area. That is where you come from, in terms of your heritage, history and culture. At the moment, science tells us people who have been infected with Covid have a greater incidence of heart issues. (I couldnt reply under my actual comment for some reason). Financially not the best course ( anxiety)but for physical health it may be better as partner has health issues. Big business via corporate greed is killing the seas, soils, and the air we breathe. Once Saturn moves into opposition from March 2023 until the year 2026, your Sixth House will be under heavier weather than usual. Tatiana offers free weekly horoscopes on Instagramand Facebook. I will also explore the Aries portion of the book thank you and check out the hypnosis by Glenn Harold. Oblivious. You are in Australia, where we are already seeing cases skyrocket the spikes are going up the graph rapidly. Main Image from @artlessartthou on Twitter, with permission. I think it is interesting how the last Saturn in Pisces transitions could in fact influence or affect the upcoming transition. What does it say about my past lives? The first part gives you the bigger picture of what's happening in 2022. Thanks for all your help and advice that you give us all. Im living with something similar to long covid and it brain fizzes me. Thank you for your post. Thank you. Insist on product guarantees that specifically promise Covid is eliminated in the air around you. I heard Rotterdam clairaudiently with your question. Joo. Now, you can. You already did a lot of that but there is more to come. You may not respond to this as no comments have been posted for a while, but Ill give it a go. And I cant believe how kind humanity is that they dont even question where the evil is. Harming the soil, the water, and the air directly effects human health. Similarly, supermarkets and the food/drink/cigarette/sugar industry tries to control you because they want your money, but you become empowered when you (say) dont go along with them. Diana is about walking or running, pure and simple. When the pandemic began I was buzzing with optimism that these reality checks about pollution, runaway capitalism and me centric mindsets were done for , and that we were really dawning the awareness of inevitable connectedness. The effects also could lead to the development of new conditions, such as diabetes or a heart or nervous . Airports and airlines were always the problem and will always be the problem until they start treating Covid the way they treated box cutters after 9/11. Information is protection. You can read more about your Virgo South Node in Modern Astrology 2050, free to Premium Members. GV. She is alive and kicking inside you, but youre not letting her out. 31 Dec 2019, Tue 09:00 AWST -8:00. x. Could it possibly be that politicians and businessmen have invested so heavily in AstraZeneca injections that anything else is seen as a threat? Where is the evil? He is in Taurus, the sign ruling the national and world economy, from April 7th 2023 until June 1st 2023, which would fit the aftermath of a wave. This will become easier for you when Jupiter goes into Taurus May 2023 to May 2024 and trines your Virgo and Capricorn factors, while forming a conjunction with your Taurus stellium in the Second House. But with your Aquarius stellium these new allies will change your life again it will be from March that they pop up. At the . The problem with Pfizer is that it does not stop you becoming ill, does not stop you getting Long Covid and does not stop you infecting people around you; you may not even realise youre infectious. Okay, so your chart reveals Gemini, Aries, Virgo stelliums and the latter sign includes the node. This is all going down in the sign of Gemini, so mutable signs Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces will experience the most chaos this retrograde, while air signs Libra and Aquarius will have a much smoother experience. Dr. Eric Ding on Twitter is a good, frequently updated source of facts on Covid so I am glad you are following him. Neither have I and I have no intention of getting it. Because my poor husband who spent a week in a NHS hospital ( to put right what theyd caused anyway) tested positive for COVID two days after leaving the hospital. Similar in Canada. I am sorry about your rude guests on your country property. Making A Great Escape And Surrendering To The Fatesis available for downloadand comes bundled with a live 2022 Forecasting Seminar and an Aries Spring Equinox Workshop. After May 21, 2021, this disease is expected to go away with Lord Ganeshas blessing, he had said. You are a Sun Libra with stelliums in Libra, Virgo, Scorpio, Taurus and Capricorn. From there, COVID-19 should shift into being endemic, in which we learn to live with a virus . Thank you Jessica. Does your Pluto placement also refer to where the most important transformation in your life will happen? A big viral particle (its an inert cell), is usually around 500 nanometers, but thats rare. The last time we saw this Saturn in Pisces cycle, which is going to hit your customers, was late May 1993 to June 1993, then January 1994 to April 1996. I am sorry your son is going through Type One Diabetes. Before that last Saturn in Pisces transit, people smoked indoors, in restaurants, pubs and even on airplanes. On the surface, you do the job. And perhaps get better with. I packed hubby off to spare room with HEPA and ventilation a few days ago and only went in with mask and he only came out with one on but the day or so prior, before he was symptomatic, clearly was the issue, I know so much thanks to you. Why is it as humans we dont just do what works? The rest is up to you. In fact in this life your opportunity is to have it all: good health and also hours/days that you define. No matter what March 2023 brings. Look at the Tarot too. But thats okay, because what you do, to protect yourselves, will have some nice side-effects. That's when the second coronavirus wave hit with the reintroduction of a world-wide lock-down having a negative impact on society and the economy. Hi Jessica thanks so much for being a guiding light in these troubling times. That is a great compliment to read and I appreciate you taking the time and trouble to put it in writing. Kind regards Anyway just was thinking about any signs in my chart that may reveal more information on this, the inflammation/sleep, or the solution for it. I bought one large one and one spare for any future takers in my family. We only have this 2023-2026 period to get through (hard work) and then we can relax more. Again you will be in control. Best, Mask wearing, avoiding large crowds, dont travel and get vaccinated. N95s arent masks. Every high is a low in the making, then, and every low is a high which is changing.. Show your husband the Philips guarantees on their various retail outlets and in their own manual/PDF booklet which comes with the units. Im sure you know what I mean. Forewarned is forearmed, as you say. And so does the astrology. As you say, it was spot on. Financially it might be a stretch too but we have a family member who (very kindly) is willing to be flexible on the rent of her property in Melbourne. Im longing to find a buddy or buddies to enjoy these activities with and I can also be so selective. The class action lawsuits you have mentioned are interesting. I certainly dont attend any large events, or fly and I wont be doing that until its safer. And as a psychic, I was told UV-C light was the answer, some months ago. In astrology, you dont separate the core feelings about work, from the way the physical health and mental health functions. All the tourism and shopping has ironically triggered its own slump. "I think the pandemic will end in early 2023. The United Nations was formed without a single Aquarius factor, which is astonishing for something that is supposed to represent humanity. They have a big celebrity client list and are generous enough to offer their work for nothing, just to try. I posted this very recently. Today I see that cases in Australia, where I live, are up at least 50%. HI Jessica, Thank you for your response to my question. And by doing this work I hope Im fulfilling my soul journey, too. Your job involves so much sitting that you need to do something in your lunch break, after work and at weekends if you possibly can. That's what she has been doing with her extensive astrological practice and writing career. Pisces rules religion. It is UV-C light. Waving to you in NY. Once again they must cancel and avoid, stay home and live with anxiety. The difference between a parent, and protection/prevention, is people power. We know about N95 masks, al fresco living, avoidance tactics and open windows. Thank you very much. Thank you so much. Same with UVC/UV22/Safe Ultraviolet. PM Albanese has no interest in astrology, as he told Grace Tame when she interviewed him, but I have to do my job and ring the alarm bell. Making A Great Escape And Surrendering To The Fatesis an e-book written in three parts. Thank goodness its not a cruise but the plane does make me nervous. The world has been in pandemic mode for a year and a half. My Sun is in Virgo (29 degrees), should I be worried? Hi Jessica So skip Ascendant (AC) Descendant (DC) Immum Coeli (IC) and Midheaven (MC). I also had an overseas trip planned between March 14th 19th, 2023. I had recently started yoga with a personal trainer and had been feeling guilty at the expense. And on it goes. I cancel group gatherings all the time in Hobart because the organisers do not protect people with HEPA filters and/or UV light. For further information or to schedule an interview, contact Crystal Bichalski at (646) 456-8538 or [emailprotected]. Here is the astrological outline of the virus' rise and falls from now until 2022. You have the Sun in Libra, with stelliums in Libra, Scorpio, Virgo and Sagittarius. If you feel stuck or frozen it is because you have Mars at 16 Virgo opposite Venus at 16 Pisces. We can witness a reemergence of old problems and even an uprise of new ones," said Borsch. Corsi Rosenthal boxes are something I need to do a lot more research on before my Conscious Cafe event in December, as although I have the information about the Philips UV Purification Big UVCA 210 Air Disinfection Units to hand, from the New Zealand Lighting Shop, I need to update on these incredibly affordable, home-made CR boxes. For me, UV-C seems like vapor cleaning, with great promises of 100% desinfection, but must be made in lab conditions that we wont ever meet in our houses. What is happening is stealth depopulation. Please share what you find about CR boxes here or on Twitter where I can retweet it to readers. This is something the pharmaceutical companies that have made billions on COVID would not like and therefore campaign against it. The HEPA filters are a good recommendation so are the UVC Far UV. When that theory came out, there wasnt a technology or microscope big enough to find any viruses. Its great to also read Google Scholar research on UVC and HEPA, along with those comforting guarantees from the manufacturers about Omicron and Delta variants. To eat from your own garden, if you can. He works from home every second week. Now that Pfizer had admitted the vaccine was never tested for transmission, it is to UV-C (safe Ultraviolet light) the hospitality industry must turn. In fact it was there in the 14th century. Stress also appears as migraines and I do have bruxism! Thus, the 21 day lockdown is numerologically significant. There is no cure. So too is your home office with computer, and the tools you use for your special field or subject, profession or calling. Ventilation is free. Why else did you get the cold?, And from Science Magazine You could fall for someone you least suspect but make sure you go in with both eyes open. What is the excess mortality in your destination? As to your birth time, use 12.00 noon if your mother is not sure. Drink spring water, if you can find it, or filtered water, or from a source you know has minerals in it. I think there is more to learn there, another spotlight on mental health. Thank you for all you do. Your computer may also be chatting to you via your spirit guides if your weekend booking kept being blocked. She said it has already made a difference to her sleep . About 17% here in Australia. Yes, the comments extend the story and I am lucky to have so many intriguing readers who add their experiences. Birth is always a painful process, and a mother's body undergoes significant changes, but the fact remains that birth is also a great joy for parents and loved ones. Thats just common sense anyway, but its really useful on this cycle. I would be interested in any comment. It may be walking the dog. The experience of seeing how a group of dedicated people can change the world despite the odds will empower you for the rest of your life and it will happen more than once. An approved . The Astrology of Covid in 2023 The most critical period for Covid-19, as we still call it, is coming in March 2023. . Again, around 2026, it looks like a completely new start for you with him and the whole family actually. Plus few other always changing interests. You will become who you are. (Any more than people were frightened of AIDS and passive smoking the last time we had this cycle). Comment moderation is in force, which means your comment will not appear immediately if at all. Sorry this got so long!! Thank you Jessica! The Virgo node is your past life, as you know, and you have incarnated during Covid in order to put yourself first. Historic plagues may have affected your family tree. Saturn in Pisces Why? And your husbands office should pay for UVC and HEPA. Perhaps it is easier for most aviation workers to pretend it doesnt exist, than face the fact that their careers and lives are 100% vulnerable to the virus. Thanks Patricia. This goes on for years. When will Covid end? The best way to survive during any pandemic, and during any illness, is to get healthy. This is long-term and goes until 2044, but executives and boards are about to find out how potent large numbers of wisdom warriors can be together. I do worry about next year, my aviation employed husband did contract covid (he and I of course share Pluto and uranus in Virgo) and he is still experiencing issues from his earlier covid.
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