We use this information to make the website work as well as possible and improve our services. The UK population is ageing - around 18.2% of the UK population were aged 65 years or over at mid-2017, compared with 15.9% in 2007; this is projected to grow to 20.7% by 2027. . International migration estimates for April 2020 onwards will no longer be measured using the IPS, following the pausing of the IPS as a result of the coronavirus. Colour of Power report: who are the new BAME figures in top UK jobs? In England, 10.4% of total households were multiple-ethnic group households (2.4 million households), compared with 5.3% in Wales (71,000 households). However, despite future increases in SPA in current legislation, the OADR is projected to reach 360 by 2043. Population estimates for the UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: mid-2020 Bulletin | Released 25 June 2021 National and subnational mid-year population estimates for the UK and its constituent countries by administrative area, age and sex. Tell us what you think about this publication by answering a few questions. Analytics cookies help us understand how our website is being used. On average, females continue to live longer than males, however, the gap between the sexes has decreased over the last 30 years with males seeing greater improvements inlife expectancy. In England the percentage of the population who identified within: the "Asian, or Asian British" ethnic groups was 9.6% (5.4 million), "Black, Black British, Caribbean or African" was 4.2% (2.4 million), "Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups" was 3.0% (1.7 million), "White" ethnic groups was 81.0% (45.8 million), "Other ethnic groups" was 2.2% (1.2 million). Other small but significant changes occurred in education with six BAME vice-chancellors appointed to universities; three people from minority backgrounds taking the helm of the top NHS trusts and six BAME bosses of FTSE 100 firms. We would like to use cookies to collect information about how you use ons.gov.uk. Individuals from an ethnic minority make up about 13 percent of the UK's population, according to census data. Only 24 local authorities had a decrease in their population over the five-year period, of which 10 are located in Scotland. Main facts and figures. This will provide a basis for understanding the sources of error and bias that have occurred in the population estimates since the 2011 Census. The difference between the number of live births and deaths is referred to as "natural change". This is a hub for all special coronavirus-related publications, drawing on . The number of people in England and Wales who identified as Sikh through the religion question was 524,000, (0.9%). Within Census 2021, people were also asked in a separate voluntary question whether they had religious affiliation. You can change your cookie settings at any time. There's . Worryingly there is early evidence of an association between ethnicity and COVID-19 incidence and adverse health outcomes. Since 2016, overall migration levels have remained broadly similar. (BAME) background. Almost seven in 10 of those aged 12 or over in the UK have had a booster . The total fertility rate (TFR) is the lowest since records began in 1938; in 2020, women had 1.56 children on average. The difference between the number of long-term immigrants (people moving into the UK for more than 12 months) and the number of long-term emigrants (people moving out of the UK for more than 12 months) is termed "net migration". The 2010 to 2019 estimates are based on published Long-term International Migration estimates and derived from the International Passenger Survey (IPS). Ethnic group, national identity, language and religion variables Census 2021 Supporting information | Released 28 November 2022 Variables and classifications used in Census 2021 data about ethnic group, national identity, language and religion. Before the coronavirus pandemic struck, there were 4.5 million people (7% of the UK population) living in deep poverty, up from 2.8 million (5% of the population) two decades ago. Some specific groups are more challenging to measure than others, such as students who are at an important life transition stage but where administrative data may struggle to keep up with rapid changes in their circumstances. For a detailed data time series on each country, please seeBirths in England and Wales summary tables,Deaths registered in England and Wales, and Scotland'sVital Events Reference Tables 2019 and Northern Ireland's NISRA, Birth Statistics: 2019,and NISRA, Death Statistics: 2019. See the list of ethnic groups used in the 2011 Census. In England and Wales, 10.1% (2.5 million) of households consisted of members identifying with two or more different ethnic groups, an increase from 8.7% (2.0 million) in 2011. Youve accepted all cookies. The difference between the number of births and deaths is referred to as "natural change". An estimated 313,000 more people moved to the UK with an intention to stay 12 months or more than left in the year ending March 2020 (net migration). This is the result of the combination of declining fertility rates and people living longer. The percentage of the adult population, by nation, reported to have received 1st dose of a vaccine as of 30 May 2021 . A soft Brexit would see the figure rise to 40.4%, and a hard Brexit to 35.6%. Mixed White/Black Caribbean - 426,715 (0.8%) Births in England and Wales: 2019 Bulletin | Released 22 July 2020 Live births, stillbirths and the intensity of childbearing, measured by the total fertility rate. Main facts and figures. For more recent analysis on international migration estimates, please see our article on whats changed since the coronavirus pandemic. Figure 2 displays the population growth rate of local authorities. In total, 34% of the councillors are women , compared to 51% of the population. People who describe their ethnicity as Sikh may have also chosen to describe their religion as Sikh, or may have identified through just one or the other, or neither. Increases to SPA, firstly for women from 2010 to equalise with men's SPA and then gradual increases for both sexes, led to a fall in the OADR back to 288 in 2019. 75% of working age people (16 to 64 year olds) in England, Scotland and Wales were employed in 2021. You can change your cookie settings at any time. Since 2011, as a larger number of people reach older ages there has consequently been a general increase in the number of deaths, thus contributing to the decline in natural change. Tables are published annually. The number of people of state pensionable age (SPA) and over per 1,000 people aged 16 years up to SPA. How am I represented in Census 2021 data? The population of the United Kingdom was estimated at over 67.0 million in 2020. Secondly, a person identifies through one of the 19 available response options, which include categories with write-in response options. A further 30.2% (7.5 million) of households were occupied by one person. Solid lines indicate adjustments have been applied. The UK life expectancy at birth in 2018 to 2020 was 79.0 years for males and 82.9 years for females. This decrease is also visible when taking into account population size and age structure. Source: 1991 Census England H form for private households, UK Data Service. Ethnic group in England and Wales Dataset | Released 29 November 2022 This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify usual residents in England and Wales by ethnic group. We use first day of July each year due to Office for National Statistics (ONS) normally publishes the estimated population data for the same period. The TFR hit an all-time low in 2001 for the UK with an average of 1.63 children per woman. Within the "White" ethnic group, 74.4% (44.4 million) of usual residents in England and Wales identified their ethnic group as "English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British". The ethnic group question has two stages. Under all three of our scenarios, this proportion rises. Going forward, we want to provide population and migration statistics more quickly and frequently. The difference between the number of long-term immigrants (people moving into the UK for at least 12 months) and the number of long-term emigrants (people moving out of the UK for more than 12 months) is termed "net migration". The difference between the number of people moving into the UK for at least 12 months and the number of people moving out of the UK for at least 12 months. Source: Office for National Statistics, Population estimates for the UK, England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland: mid-2019. This is expected because of limited travel caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. The write-in functionality has enabled us to produce a detailed ethnic group classification in our Ethnic group (detailed) in England and Wales dataset, providing insight for 287 ethnic groups. Analysis ofdeaths registered in England and Wales in 2019shows the number of deaths registered in England and Wales has decreased by 2.0% since 2018. Whilst the St Andrews BAME staff population is 7.9 percentage points lower than the UK HE BAME staff benchmark (14.5%), this should be understood in the context of the overall smaller BAME population of Scotland. The UK population at mid-year 2020 was estimated to be 67.1 million; this was an increase of roughly 284,000 (0.4%) since mid-year 2019. That is a third of all BAME councillors and is not representative of the proportion of BAME women in the UK. We would like to use cookies to collect information about how you use ons.gov.uk. To provide a summary of the UK population, highlighting the changes and the factors which contribute to this. In each case, "other" options are listed last. In 2017, the UK Prime Minister commissioned a Race Disparity Audit with results published on the Ethnicity Facts & Figures website: https://www.ethnicity-facts-figures.service.gov.uk. 1155189) in England & Wales. However, since 2019, there has been a change in migration patterns, which has led to an increase in net migration. 7.5% of the population is made up Asian . BAME people account for 15.5 percent of the population of England, according to 2016 population figures. For Northern Ireland's local authorities in 1999, the data used is for Northern Ireland as a country. There were 681,560 births and 689,629 deaths in the UK in 2020. This refers to the first stage of the two-stage ethnic group question. Office for National Statistics (ONS), released 29 November 2022, ONS website, statistical bulletin, Ethnic group, England and Wales: Census 2021, All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated, /peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/ethnicity/bulletins/ethnicgroupenglandandwales/census2021, How ethnic composition varied across England and Wales, Search-as-you-type functionality for Census 2021, Ethnic group (detailed) in England and Wales dataset. By ethnicity over time (CSV) Black other - 280,437 (0.5%). The2019 mid-year population estimates release showed that the population of the UK reached 66.8 million, up from 66.4 million in mid-2018. For more information on question structure, see Section 9: Measuring the data. The figures have increased from the 1991 census when 1.63 per cent of the population were recorded as Black or Black British to 1.15 million residents in 2001, or 2 per cent of the population, this further increased to just over 1.9 million in 2011. In 2011, 87.2 percent of the total population of the United Kingdom were white British. UK population by ethnicity. The latest data on the population of the UK by country of birth and nationality is available in a separate bulletin and covers the period July 2019 to June 2020. The census provides estimates of the characteristics of all people and households in England and Wales on Census Day, 21 March 2021. Chinese - 393,141 (0.7%). National life tables -- life expectancy in the UK: 2017 to 2019 Bulletin | Released 24 September 2020 Trends in period life expectancy, a measure of the average number of years people will live beyond their current age, analysed by age and sex for the UK and its constituent countries. These were three of the six available response options that allowed people to specify their ethnic group through writing it in. Under a no Brexit scenario, this rises to 41.9% in 2061. There are many factors that may be contributing to the changing ethnic composition of England and Wales, such as differing patterns of ageing, fertility, mortality, and migration. In 2020, the estimated number of UK families was 19.4 million. Altogether there were: 12.8 million married couple or civil partnership families (67%), 3.5 million cohabiting couple families (18%). The collection of certain data sources in 2020, such as the international passenger survey, was paused. The census in Northern Ireland was also conducted on 21 March 2021, whereas Scotland's census was moved to 20 March 2022. For the last five years, BAME students have been more likely to stay at the University than the UK average, and so the ethnicity retention gap at St Andrews has been smaller than the UK average (4.5%). The dashed lines show the percentage representation in the UK population. This has never been more important, as we emerge from the coronavirus pandemic and following our departure from the EU. Our blog explains the possible effects on the demography of the UK. Fertility rates for women in this age group have been decreasing each year since 2013. Source data for By ethnicity over time (CSV). Large changes were also seen in the numbers of people identifying their ethnic group as "Other ethnic group: Any other ethnic group" (1.6%, 924,000 in 2021, up from 0.6%, 333,000 in 2011), and "Black, Black British, Black Welsh, Caribbean or African: African" (2.5%, 1.5 million in 2021, up from 1.8%, 990,000); both ethnic groups had the option to write in their response. This is more than twice the 36 public figures found by the same campaigners in 2017. This change in patterns is different for EU and non-EU citizens. 1.0% of the population is made up of Other ethnic groups. This is widely used in planning, for example, fiscal projections, health, education and pensions. 1155189) in England & Wales. Ethnic group, national identity, language, and religion in Wales (Census 2021) Bulletin | Released 29 November 2022 A summary by Welsh Government of Census 2021 data about ethnic group, national identity, language, and religion in Wales. Youve accepted all cookies. There are further analyses planned that consider how the variables of ethnic group, national identity, language and religion interact. The global population, the total number of humans currently living, stands at 7.8 billion people as of January 2021. For more information about the methodology used to produce these data, please consult the accompanying Research report. 47,739,800. One traditional measure used to consider the impact of an ageing population is the old-age dependency ratio (OADR). Mixed other - 289,984 (0.5%), Diversity in the UK: BAME individuals in politics & local government. Using this measure, life expectancy at birth in the UK in 2020 is 87.3 years for males and 90.2 years for females. The three largest increases since 2011 were seen in the number of people identifying through: "White: Other White" (6.2%, 3.7 million in 2021, up from 4.4%, 2.5 million in 2011), "Other ethnic group: Any other ethnic group" (1.6%, 924,000 in 2021, up from 0.6%, 333,000 in 2011). When it is negative, there are more deaths than births. Census data includes people in around 25 million private households. We have recently published a blog on the possible effects of COVID-19 on the demography of the UK, as well as updates on information relating to the coronavirus situation. In 2018 about 13.8% of the UK population was from a minority ethnic background with London having 40% of its population from the Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic (BAME) background. The mid-2001 to mid-2019 detailed time-series contains the latest available mid-year population estimates and components of change from mid-2019 back to mid-2001. The 2018 analysis shows that the gap for black/black British employees at 24% was more than . This population growth marks an increase of 0.5%, or an additional 361,000 people, between mid-2018 and mid-2019. This is because the data collected in 1999 is not comparable at a local authority level. The aim was to: . Analysis of the births data in England and Wales in 2019 shows that the number of live births has decreased by 2.5% since 2018. This has had a significant impact on both the size and structure of the UK population and the data we use to estimate it. In March 2019, the Annual Population Survey data was revised back to 2012, due to taking on board the latest population estimates. There were 73 black, Asian, and minority ethnic (BAME) faces in the UKs top political, public, cultural and media sectors on 23 July 2021, according to data collated by Operation Black Vote (OBV). All rights reserved. In 2017- 2018, there was a 1.9 percentage point retention gap in favour of BAME students. There were also 1,288 deaths registered regarding people whose usual residence was outside England and Wales in 2019. In 2018, the age-specific fertility rates for women aged under 30 years were at their lowest since 1938. In 2018 about 13.8% of the UK population was from a minority ethnic background with London having 40% of its population from the Black, Asian & Minority Ethnic (BAME) background. Download the data. Within English regions, the percentage of multiple-ethnic group households ranged between 4.1% of total households in the North East (48,000 households) and 22.3% (763,000 households) in London. National population projections table of contents Dataset | Released 12 January 2022 Tools to locate the dataset tables and supporting documentation for the 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020-based interim national population projections. People from BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) backgrounds constitute only 14% of the general population in England and Wales, but make up 25% of its prison population. The Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups population of 1,224,400 (2.2%) is broken down as follows: Mixed White/Asian - 341,727 (0.6%) Ashok Viswanathan, the Colour of Power coordinator, said the project had seen significant change since the 2017 poll but there was still work to be done as the new figures were still only a 50% reflection of modern society. Youve accepted all cookies. Multiple-ethnic group in England and Wales Dataset | Released 29 November 2022 This dataset provides Census 2021 estimates that classify households in England and Wales by the diversity in ethnic group of household members in different relationships. The Black ethnic group population 1,864,890 (3.3%) is broken down as follows: Black African - 989,628 (1.8%) Table 2: Strathclyde student population compared with the UK higher education sector England Northern Ireland Scotland Wales UK total Strathclyde Female 1,266,000 39,140 167,060 82,250 1,554,450 The greatest shift has been in politics, which has seen significant and positive changes from Labour and the Conservatives, with the prime minister appointing a record number of BAME cabinet members (six) and ministers (seven) to his government. A weighted average of the age-specific mortality rates per 100,000 persons. National life tables: UK Dataset | Released 23 September 2021 Period life expectancy by age and sex for the UK. The UK has a large and diverse Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic community (BAME), which account for around 14% of the population in England and Wales. This article brings together the main points from several of our publications to summarise how the UKs population has changed. The average pay gap has increased by 3.28 percentage points (i.e. Labour, meanwhile, boasted a record number of BAME mayors (four) and council leaders (11). The 18 ethnic groups are then presented alphabetically within each high-level ethnic group category. Those moving for less than 12 months are not recorded in the mid-year population estimates but are estimated elsewhere1. The coronavirus pandemic highlighted the need for more frequent data about our population to understand the biggest challenges facing society. In mid-2020, the population reached 67.1 million, up from 66.8 million in mid-2019. This would take the UK's 65 years and over age group to 19.8 million people, accounting for 26.2% of the projected population. While living longer may be a cause for celebration, theageing population has implications on several policy areas. Population of the UK by country of birth and nationality, 2021 Census. Where the number of people identifying with an ethnic group are small enough for individuals to be identified, an ethnic group will be aggregated with other ethnic groups in the same write-in response option. Black residents constituted around 3 per cent of the United Kingdom's population in 2011. National population projections: 2020-based interim Bulletin | Released 12 January 2022 The potential future population size of the UK and its constituent countries. 76% of white people were employed, compared with 67% of people from all other ethnic groups combined. Humanities and Social Sciences has the lowest percentage of BAME students (9%). In this section, the following definitions are used: a family is a married, civil partnered or cohabiting couple with or without children, or a lone parent with at least one child, who live at the same address; children may be dependent or non-dependent2, a household is one person living alone, or a group of people (not necessarily related) living at the same address who share cooking facilities and share a living room, sitting room or dining area; a household can consist of a single family, more than one family, or no families in the case of a group of unrelated people. When it is negative, there have been more deaths than births. Changes in methodology mean the estimates are not directly comparable with before the coronavirus pandemic. In the calendar year of 2020, the number of deaths in the UK exceeded the number of live births for the first time since 1976. from 7.06% . For this reason, some ethnic groups appear in multiple high-level categories. This could be based on their culture, family background, identity or physical appearance. The interactive tool displays data on how ethnic group composition within households varies at a local level. Uptake for BAME people is at least 10% lower in almost every age group, latest data from Public Health Wales shows. Hide. In the academic year 2017-2018, 20.7% of BAME students across the UK received a First as compared to 30.9% of White students (First attainment gap of 10.2 percentage points). Figure 5: Broad age group percentage of the UK population by local authority, 1997, 2007, 2017, 2027, 2037. Life expectancy at birth increased from 2016 to 2018 and 2017 to 2019 for females in Northern Ireland, males in Scotland and Wales and males and females in England. The largest increases were seen in the number of people who identified their ethnic group within the Asian, Asian British or Asian Welsh category (9.3%, 5.5 million in 2021, up from 7.5%, 4.2 million in 2011) and within Other ethnic group (2.1%, 1.3 million people in 2021, up from 1.0%, 564,000 in 2011). Decisions to migrate are complex and a person's decision to move to or from the UK will always be influenced by a range of social and economic factors. When natural change is positive, there are more births than deaths in the timeframe. In other regions, the percentages identifying their ethnic group this way ranged between 71.8% (4.3 million) in the West Midlands to 90.6% (2.4 million) in the North East. Youve accepted all cookies. In 2021, there was a new response option for "Roma" within the high-level "White" ethnic group. Age-specific fertility rates show a decline in fertility rates at younger ages and rises at older ages. 371. This overview of the UK population covers the year ending December 2020, which includes the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This section focuses on the three write-in response options that saw the largest change since 2011, as highlighted towards the end of Section 2: Ethnic groups in England and Wales. Over the year ending March 2020, 715,000 people moved to the UK (immigration) and 403,000 left the UK (emigration) (Figure 5). The UK population at mid-year 2020 was estimated to be 67.1 million; this was an increase of roughly 284,000 (0.4%) since mid-year 2019. 2.2% of the population is made up of Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups This means the population grew by 0.4%, or an additional 284,000 people, between mid-2019 and mid-2020. Long-term international migration from the year ending December 2020 shows that migrants continued to add to the UK population. Section 2: Ethnic groups in England and Wales, Religion, England and Wales: Census 2021 bulletin, Ethnic group, national identity, language and religion analysis plans, Ethnic group (detailed) in England and Wales, Multiple-ethnic group in England and Wales, Quality and Methodology Information (QMI) for Census 2021, Ethnic group, national identity, language and religion, Maximising the quality of Census 2021 population estimates methodology, Ethnic group tick-box prioritisation report for Census 2021 in England and Wales, Ethnic group, national identity, language, and religion quality information for Census 2021, Ethnic group, national identity, language and religion variables Census 2021, Ethnic group, national identity, language, and religion in Wales (Census 2021), Ethnic group, England and Wales: Census 2021. All UK census offices are working closely together to understand how this difference in reference dates will impact UK-wide population and housing statistics, in terms of both timing and scope. This increase was driven primarily by the additional 401,000 older men living alone; a 31% increase for men aged 65 to 74 years and a 47% increase for men aged 75 years and over. The UK population is projected to rise by 2.1 million to 69.2 million over the decade to mid- 2030; this would be a 3.2% increase. These latest figures still show the highest life expectancy the UK has seen. The challenge and hope is to keep the positive momentum going from strength to strength. In addition, there have been increases in the numbers of people who are living alone between 2009 and 2019, there has been a 9% increase (from 7.5 million to 8.2 million). Providing these monthly population totals in the future will give decision makers the most up to date information possible on the dynamics of the population. The number of people choosing to specify their ethnic group through the "Other ethnic group: Any other ethnic group" write-in response option (924,000, 1.6%) almost tripled since 2011 (333,000, 0.6%). (modern). (By comparison around 85 % of the UK working age population are drawn from white ethnic groups) BAME groups were 13 % of all barristers: 16 % of pupils, 14 % of non-QCs, and 7 % of QCs There is a greater disparity in the proportion of non-QCs . can you leave the country on suspended sentence,
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