At least six recognized prophets who initially predicted a Trump reelection have acknowledged those prophecies were wrong. Be encouraged with new boldness, courage, authority and . Sheets says well see him more as the lion in 2023 and it will catch many people offguard. In 2015, spurred by the lengthy prophecy of a 27-year-old wunderkind named Jeremiah Johnson, many Pentecostals and charismatics embraced the idea that God had chosen Trump to restore Americas Christian moorings. His heart is for awakening and reformation in America. Wow, that feels like ages ago, but it was this year. Back again to the roots. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.). I believe that if we stand up and declare the truth of Jesus Christ, and speak and obey His prophetic word within us, we will see victory. The heavens are pregnant with this rain. 115:3). The site is one of the largest in the Cincinnati-Dayton area and is host to many ministries/conferences. We are in the new era, a decade pey 80s season of being HIS voice with power and authority. It will reign in My name. Prophetically decree that every wicked conspiracy and diabolical plan against our president and our nation will be found out and brought to justice. Share on Twitter The real story was in the power, influence and access., On November 7, the day Biden was declared the president-elect, one prophet, Kris Vallotton, of the mega-congregation Bethel Church in Redding, California, notably apologized. But many of the prophetic voices that emerged after the creation of the ACPE formed their own ministries and networks, and the council gradually lost influence. He said people were unsubscribing from his email list at such a high rate, it crashed his server., A few more apologies followed. The Lord is pulling that corrupt rug out from under them. His heart is for awakening and reformation in America. The Oasis Church 6927 Lefferson Road, Middletown OH 45044 | (513) 424-7150 . Your will is being done. Anywaybefore we close out the year, I have to address a certain group of people. I am convinced that the greatest days in Church history are in our future. It was one of the few times we have seen a truly functioning Ekklesia. Send shock waves around the earth. All of the enemy's plans are being blown away and we will see Your goodness in the land, Jesus. I am not done setting lesbians free, I am not done setting sexual predators free. But we wait on HIM. Dr. Tim Sheets is an apostle, pastor, and author based in southwestern Ohio. But we know this is only the beginning of a mighty revival. It is not done discipling nations! This is MASSIVE: Social Security Is Officially Failing Major Cuts Are We In The LAST DAYS? Some people are spoken to and dont respond. Those plagued by demon fatigue will resurrect. Mark Taylor: Christians Who Voted forJoe Biden Will Be Cursed for Generations, Evangelical Pastor Spreads Election Lies: No One is President-Elect. I will mentor you. Dutch Sheets Ministries Our identity and functions are changing. If someone is fake or phony, theyre not a threat. I am not done with Muslims, I am not done with Hindus, I am not done penetrating the nations with the gospel. ), He lost a lot of monthly support, Brown told me. They opened up their services during the COVID lockdown and faced political and police persecution. TIM SHEETS MINISTRIES . In 1977, a group of Spirit-filled believers who desired to know more of God, banded together in home Bible studies to pray and worship. It is the season where we need to SEE around the curve before we go around the curve. Friendly Atheist. * XAPiT click here, "The Lord Will Prevail in This Ongoing Battle", Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible. These two men of God, who are biological brothers as well as brothers in the Lord, Dutch and Tim sheets, are on my "hero" list. Watch this amazing prophetic declaration given on Aug. 3 in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., by apostle and prophet Tim Sheets, the pastor of Oasis Church in Ohio. August 16, 2022. Pastor Tim Sheets calls the news media "prophets of Baal" and "fake news," says no one is president-elect and that [Democrats] are "willing to lie, they're willing to be fraudulent, they're willing to stop an election and in the middle of the night find thousands of votes." I know I just repeated myself, but it is one of those things that deserves to be repeated. No, it isn't easy, but since when has war ever been easy? Facebook. Published in Charisma magazine, Johnsons July 2015, prophecythat Trump would be a latter-day Cyrus, modeled after the 6th-century B.C. We are preparing to defeat them; they become our food as we overcome. His vision is to raise up people who will authentically demonstrate the Church on the earth and passionately evangelize the world. Any pastor willing to lie about an election should be expected to lie about God, too. ), Steve Shultz and Julie A. Smith, Co-Editors Tim Sheets All of those Holy Spirit orchestrated prayers are not going to be wasted. We have prayed and decreed for the fire of God to fall and His mighty wind to blow. And then we can just see how closely he heard from the LORD? Be encouraged with new boldness, courage, authority and power. Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible. EXPOSED: Dr. Peter McCullough On How Nattokinase Could Counteract Spike Protein Damage! Blessings Faithful Glory to Glory Watchmen, Prayer Warriors, Intercessors. It is beginning to come to light just how deep the Deep State is, and that there are both Republicans and Democrats involved in it. Decree, "The Lord and His Church will prevail in this battle for America! It is done when I say it is done and I say YOU ARE NOT DONE YET! Please open it and confirm your subscription. Yet Trumps prophetic fan club did not budge. Who Do We Believe? It will not be intimidated, scared, confused, bewildered, humiliated, tepid, or spineless. We value your opinions, and would love to see you add to the discussion! Joe Biden won. First, in this Flashpoint episode, you will watch an exciting video introduction to the movie Superspreader produced by Sean Feucht and available in theaters across the U.S. debuting on September 29th. Take care of My business. A photo Paula White-Cain posted on social media on Jan. 19, of herself in the Oval Office with President Trump. The earth realm has seen the entrance and actions of King Jesus for two millennia. OP1670 Exposes New Fed Power to Seize Control of U.S. Bank Accounts. * XAPiT click here, "An Era of Outpouring - Seven Times Greater! Which hey it very well could, I wouldnt count anything out at this point! Sheets prophesied recently that kingdom heirs are moving into a time when they will be refreshed and strengthened. Revival is coming! Theres not going to be just Trump coming back, he said. They are going to free lives to live in the Father's freedoms. Unless we get another death or something huge happens. Prophet Tim Sheets has great news for the heirs of the kingdom of Christ. This is going to free some of you where you are not going to be recognizable as to who you have been in the past. I am not finished! !!! Also on Friday, Elijah . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Meditation for Weight Loss: A 21 Day Challenge, The Hebraic Calendar First Fruits Blessing Prayers, In The Power of His Might: Spiritual Warfare Strategies Volume I, Prophetic Word Pay attention to the Boys, Coronavirus COVID-19 Prayers and Bible Verses, Hedge of Thorns Prayer for the Unfaithful Spouse, A Prayer for Physical Healing against various diseases and illnesses, Prayer against a Familiar Spirit and Monitoring Spirits, Binding and Loosing: The keys to the Kingdom and Exercising your Spiritual Authority. U.S. Government Docket No. Unravel every plan. America will be saved! His heart is for awakening and reformation in America. I think it doesnt make me a false prophet, but it does actually create a credibility gap.. Watch this wonderful message right . Ending The Task Master's Rule: DOWNLOAD PDF. You will not be lost. It was a work of the Holy Spirit. Greg Locke, a Nashville pastor with a massive social media following, said after Trumps loss that he would 100 percent remain president of the United States for another term. Kat Kerr, a pink-haired preacher from Jacksonville, Florida, declared repeatedly last month that Trump had won the election by a landslide and that God had told her he would serve for eight years. Tim has been wildly accurate throughout all of 2022 and has such a humble and meek stature. So as we always do, well just do our job and document and publish what these people are saying. (She later prophesied that not only would Trump have two consecutive termsso would former Vice President Mike Pence.) And if you are critical of these things, God will curse you as opposing his prophets. (On February 11, Enlow hit back, slamming the would-be reformers with a statement titled An Apostolic Rebuke and Entreaty for Those Blaming the Prophets.). Once Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, more prophets, led by Johnson, predicted his win. The fact is the votes are still being counted. Even now, this is ongoing right now. We see bits and pieces and sometimes it doesnt look like they all fit together but they do. I believe the day has come where God is bringing a complete turnaround for our nation and we . * Facebook click here Now see the greatness of Father's heart as it hovers over and says to a fatherless generation, "I want you. Theres going to be at least two more Trumps that will be in office in some way. Donald Trump, he proclaimed elsewhere, was the primary government leader on Planet Earth., Photos, posted on their own respective social media pages, of (left to right) Johnny Enlow in a MAGA hat, Greg Locke in a t-shirt that reads "America needs Jesus" and Kat Kerr sitting in front of a Donald Trump sign. I have serious concerns for the charismatic-prophetic world that if we do not wake up, if we do not humble ourselves, there is greater judgment to come.. Your mighty rushing wind is blowing through the land, propelled by Your Holy Spirit and His angel armies. This word came forth over a year ago but I think this is one of those prophesies that you can read over and over again when you feel discouraged with the way things are going in your country. "These outpourings are going to free dreams," Sheets says. The First Arrest To Shock The World Revealed? Indeed, Enlow was not alone out on that limb. My ecclesia is not done binding hell, it is not done standing for My Word without compromise. Declare that wicked and evil power structures, even family dynasties, will be brought down by the Lord. "As we traveled from state to state, we have been praying for the will of the Lord in this nation. 15. Tim says: "Recently, I asked Holy Spirit for fresh revelation and insight concerning this Christmas season. View transcriptions of prophetic words given by Tim Sheets: Lightning Warfare: DOWNLOAD PDF. I believe this will be a Holy Spirit outpouring even greater than that which occurred in the book of Acts. He's going to infuse a supernatural strength into the heirs. Comments like these have prompted discussions around the charismatic world on podcasts, email threads, Twitter and Facebook. Teaching, Training Watchmen to see, hear in the Spirit - the invisible, unseen, heavenly, supernatural realms of dreams, visions, angelic encounters, visitations, translations; to understand and interprete; to pray, decree, prophesy copartnering with God, Father, Son Jesus, Holy Spirit bringing the Light & Glory of heaven to earth; to obey and go. Uncovering The Satanic Panic: South Dakota. It is not done when the IRS says its done. Prophesy is the Hebrew word 'naba,' and it means to speak God's message under Holy Spirit influence; to represent God's plan, will or His ways in words or songs (see Strong, The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, ref. Sign up for our free email newsletter, and we'll make sure to keep you in the loop. You just saw it! Prayer to Dethrone the New World Order Do We Have Reliable Prophetic Voices In Our Day & Time? To be clear, while the paperwork isnt completed for a few weeks, all of that is a formality. Release Your love to them, awakening them to a divine, holy destiny. Heres What Theyre Trying To Distract You From With The Trump Indictment. Elijah List Publications.| Freedom Deliverers heal through prayer bringing inner healing and deliverance to people, places, things, land. Welcome To THE GREEN WORLD ORDER!! Watch this amazing prophetic declaration given on Aug. 3 in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., by apostle and prophet Tim Sheets, Follow us on Social Media To be clear, Ive changed my mind about nothing. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the greatest super-spreader the world has ever seen! Watch this amazing prophetic declaration given on Aug. 3 in front of the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C., by apostle and prophet Tim Sheets. It is not done with confronting demon doctrines, or rebel kings, dictators, presidents, or evil dignitaries! We peacefully assembled outside the building to voice our protest against this fraudulent election and pray for America!, Within a day of the Capitol insurrection, a few other prophets who had prophesied a Trump win apologized: Johnson, as well as California pastor Shawn Bolz and Denver pastor Loren Sandford. Get Charisma's best content delivered right to your inbox! Well see how that goes, but you can try and follow his new channel on YouTube here. Find us on: We believe President Trump won this election by a landslide, but criminals came in to steal it. I take full responsibility for being wrong, he said on Instagram. This is Marsi's RECORDED Show from Sunday, April 23, 2023!!! For the original article, visit our content partner at FOUNDED in 2010 as an alternative to Fake News, Mockingbird Media! I am in full agreement with the prophetic word by Tim Sheets.. "Bold," is the prophetic word the Lord is speaking to the church today.I believe the day has come where God is bringing a complete turnaround for our nation and we are to be a part of that.
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