Smith: Mayor Pete is where Mayor Pete is now because Mayor Pete is just one of the most uniquely talented members of the Democratic Party. On Sunday, Bill de Blasio put out a statement in a New York Post story in his own name defending himself against the portrait you paint of him in your book as obsessively paranoid. If you were working for him, and a book like yours came out authored by someone else, how would you have advised him to address the situation? The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms LisSmithMartinO'Malley. Keep in mind she was 22 at the time, Smith said. POLITICO Weekend delivers gripping reads, smart analysis and a bit of high-minded fun. Wren: Tell me about that five percent credited to you. If Im going to be honest about other people and their shortcomings, its really important for me to be honest about myself and my own shortcomings, Smith told me. Smith starts texting me, wanting to know if Id seen the celebrities in the audience, including George Takei, Kal Penn and Kate McKinnon. Hold on, Im sorry. Andrew Cuomo and former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio. I remember hearing from other consultants, Why is he going out there speaking seven languages? It may look like the sky is falling, but just ride this out.. But is it undermining its own side? You deploy the F-bomb like Picasso used drypoint. If there is one thing that makes Smith unique, its not her knowledge of great apes or her particular skill eviscerating her opponents on Twitter; Its that her skin was toughened by a stretch of time in the rawest, roughest media environment of all, the NYC tabloid scrum. In a crisis, the most important thing to do is to pause, to take a step back and get all the facts, and game out your response. Wren: What do you look for in a candidate? She's taken gambles on underdogs like Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, advised establishment stalwarts such as former Virginia Gov. Did it worry you that he might not be the candidate with whom people most wanted to have a beer or should we say, get lit with? A lot of people thought that to beat Trump, you had to be Trump. Buttigiegs rise from unlikeliest of contenders to actual top-tier presidential candidate has been fueled in part, maybe in large part, by his astonishing success courting the press. Pete's 2020 campaign manager and now chairman of the Indiana Democrats, that my dream project would be to take off . Most people do have earnest sides to them. Based on that experience, how should Democrats make gains in those kinds of states in 2022? And if people like it they like it, and if they dont they were probably never going to vote for you anyway.. I know, but sitting at this dinner in Indianapolis, I was completely gobsmacked by how impressive some of the speakers were that I had never heard of before in my life, that you will never read about in national publications. 1. | That was my philosophy. And it was a running joke between us: I was like, I cant listen to you talk about smart sewers one more time, or I will lose my mind. He loves that stuff. In recent months you have made a name for yourself by working for this new crop of candidates out in the middle of the country: Michigan State Sen. Mallory McMorrow, Aftab Pureval and others. God, you fucked that up. And I talked about that in the book. Running for politics theres got to be a little element of narcissism or whatever you want to call it in you. In some ways, he came across as a Midwestern dad before he was, in fact, a Midwestern dad. I was blindly ambitious, versus blindly loyal, and where the shiny object of being a New York City press secretary was more alluring to me that I was willing to overlook his very clear deficiencies. Obama had David Axelrod. Smith marched him to the front of where the national and New York press were gathered, telling him, Are you ready for your first gaggle? He stayed until the matter was exhausted. She most. It might not get you the votes, but I am not the political director. 4. Tim Miller, my friend, wrote a great book weeks ago, where he talks about the danger of getting sucked up in the game. But there have been a few times when Ive been around him when I knew something, a factoid or something he didnt know, and let me tell you, I fucking lord it all over him. Pete Buttigieg's 38-year-old ex-campaign manager and childhood pal is telling Democrats how they can win back rural America . Ive always tried to be very grounded. For example, you write in your book about going to a pop-up bar in South Bend with Pete and his best friend and campaign manager, Mike Schmuhl. Buttigieg has gotten a number of lavish long-form features, so many that some have jokingly wondered whether Smith is getting paid by the profile. Candidates often appoint elected officials and other important figures in their party's coalition as chairs of their national campaign and state-level campaigns.[1]. There were, Smith guesses, probably 150 such meetings with the national press corps, and when he traveled across the country, speaking to local county party dinners and fundraisers across the Midwest and Great Plains, they would make time for one-on-ones with the local political press there, too. The Democratic bench isnt going to be found on Meet the Press every Sunday, and its not going to be found on cable news. He was an incredible leader at Louisiana State University someone that team could rally around, and such a maturity to him. The writer from Indianapolis Monthly who went for a jog with Buttigieg three months before his feature landed, the Washington Post Magazine writer who sat down in a Virginia soul food joint with Mayor Pete long before he declared his presidential bid and the Yahoo News feature writer who crammed into the corner seat of a midtown Manhattan caf with him months ago. I figured he was special and it couldnt hurt if everybody knows who he is.. They also build organizations in individual states that are overseen by state directors and staffed by party activists and political professionals well-versed in the particular politics of the area. Jeff Smith, her former boyfriend, recalls one time when he was running for office, his campaign managers phone rang. 36. Her father was a partner at the white-shoe law firm Sidley Austin. My advice is just go out there more, communicate more. But it has a clear parallel to Smiths relentless scheduling of meetings between Buttigieg and reportersan audaciously direct way to connect with reporters that bought the campaign pretty good press. I think that she gets a lot of unfair criticism. Theyre just not looking in the right places. He announced he was running for the Democratic presidential nomination on January 23, 2019, and formally kicked off his campaign on April 14, 2019. Smith managed communications for de Blasio throughout the campaign and in his transition to office; she was slated to do the same when de Blasio took office. She has advised New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe and Montana Governor Steve Bullock, people who on paper at least are far more likely top-tier presidential contenders, and she served as a top aide for a number of Senate and gubernatorial races. My first impression was that he was a bit goofy and unserious, and never, never, ever in my wildest dreams did I think I would be sitting across the table from him 10 years later, interviewing to work for him as he was about to be the incoming mayor of New York. I romanticize it. | Honesty is really, really important to handling a crisis because you have to have all the facts at your disposal. And you are going to pay me to be really quick and really aggressive and to take on Mitt Romney? He shoots her a look and gives a mock shrug, as if it's an inside joke between the three of us, now old chums: I mean, a little I guess., Buttigieg makes an appearance on "The View." And what Pete understood, and why I believed in him, was that to beat Trump, we didnt need to be him. The death of local news is a tragedy for voters and it's a tragedy for campaigns. Sign up for notifications from Insider! Communications Director at Strickland for Governor from January 2010 to November 2010 (11 months) in Columbus, Ohio Area. It felt like we connectedwe went over our allotted time, and I had another beer, and by the end I had shifted from very skeptical to only moderately skeptical, just maybe seeing a lane for his candidacy. Petes hitting at this moment in part because of the legwork they did. Do you think the lack of in-person events hurt them later on in building a relationship with the eventual White House press corps? After 20 campaigns flacking for candidates such as Transportation Secretary and former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, former Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill,. Smith: I think its been great. She wants to know if Id seen Buttigieg answer a question about the Notre Dame fire from a French TV station, in French. Wren: Lets talk about another Cincinnatian: Joey Burrow, your Bengals politically outspoken quarterback. Also how many, like, mind-games campaigns are playing with others. But until they released him from the NDA, we just didnt get his clients. This is so funny, because I was just saying to Mike Schmuhl, Pete's 2020 campaign manager and now chairman of the Indiana Democrats, that my dream project would be to take off an entire year and go to the big Democratic fundraising dinner in all 50 states. I think I am impressive because I am a violinist and I went to Dartmouth and I speak French and have traveled all over the world and, I dont know, I know a lot about great apes, she says. Top editors give you the stories you want delivered right to your inbox each weekday. The good candidates have humility. These results are automatically generated from Google. Lis Smith (born October 15, 1982) is an American political strategist affiliated with the Democratic Party. Not surprisingly, her politics are establishment liberal. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Smith: Dont make me praise Chris Meagher. Smith: It made me want to be better at my job. Its about hustling for opportunities. He is in talks to do a Fox News town hall in the coming weeks, building off the surprise success of Bernie Sanders appearance on Fox, and in the past couple of weeks has also been on Ellen and The View, as well as Preet Bhararas podcast, The Intercepts podcast and The New Yorkers podcast. She is a talented communicator. It also includes each staff member's position in the campaign, previous work experience, and Twitter handle, where available. It meant a lot to me as a woman to have someone like that. And you just like have this moment, where youre like, Maybe this is it. Lis Smith is a veteran of twenty political campaigns. At the newsstand around the corner, you could buy a New York magazine with Buttigiegs beatifically smiling face splashed across the cover, and a New York Times with an A1 story about his time at Harvard. Acting. He weighed in after the shooting in Uvalde. They are doing things that are more directly relevant to peoples lives. Oversaturation? Wren: How is the Lis Smith depicted in this book different from the Lis Smith in the popular political imagination? And when he was asked about that, he gave a really strong answer, and he took responsibility for things he did do in South Bend or things he didnt do in South Bend. Click here. But Joe Biden is president today, and Kamala Harris is his vice president. Smith a Bengals fan believes quarterback Joe Burrow is a great leader with a clear social conscience, and she wouldnt rule out the possibility of him having a political career. Politics is literally a matter of life and death. I worked in states like South Dakota, Missouri, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia. There were very, very few women in positions of power. Click here. Smith: One of the reasons I wanted to write this book was because when I was thinking at 19 or 20 about getting into this world, [a book like this] didnt exist. With Bill de Blasio, that was a different situation. Read More . Its why in one day we do CBS Sunday Morning, The View, Teen Vogue and the New Yorker. When I stood up and left the table, Buttigieg stayed, and I recognized a woman sitting at the bar. And as you saw on Fox News Sunday, as I went to bed last night, [his clip] has 8 million views. } We are at the risk for seeing abortion rights eroded in more and more states. Lis Smith is a veteran of twenty political campaigns. She ran it like he was trying to be president, getting him in front of as many microphones as she could. Pete was completely different. It wasnt really until 2012 when I worked for Barack Obama that I did find a really strong female mentor in Stephanie Cutter and I learned so much about my job, so much about politics, so much about how to effectively communicate from Stephanie Cutter. Lis knew that she had to build wide to build up, said Stephanie Cutter, who also worked on Obamas 2012 effort. The first time people saw Pete, it was the same as the reaction I had when I first met him, which is where the hell has this guy been my entire life?.
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