You have eroded the confidence that the public are entitled to have in the police forces of England and Wales. I cannot comprehend it. On 28 February, three days before he killed Ms Everard, he had been accused of indecent exposure in a branch of McDonald's. eventAction: 'click_adunit' Instead, I intend simply to highlight those aspects of what occurred that are in my view of particular relevance to the issue of sentence. Prosecutor Tom Little QC suggested the case was so exceptional and unprecedented that it could warrant a whole life order, meaning Couzens would die in jail. Miss Everard had been badly burned and was still wearing a necklace and gold-coloured ear-ring. 'It's hard to guess what she will decide for herself, she's got a job, children are at school there.'. A complete stranger, a police officer, had kidnapped, raped and murdered her. hitType: 'event', First, was the defendant suffering from a mild depressive disorder at the time of these offences? 'She is always in regular contact with us and with her friends and it is totally out of character for her to disappear like this. And asked if he knows anything about what happened to her, Couzens then says: 'I know that she went missing up in London somewhere about a week ago or so just from what I got on the news. There were so many things I wanted to share with her - trips abroad, being each other's bridesmaid, meeting her babies and being an. Miss Everard's sister wrote on Facebook: 'No words. They just tell me be here, be here, so Hotel Burstin in Folkestone, be here. },false) The Met faces grave questions about how a twisted predator with a history of flashing and addiction to violent porn remained in their midst and was even given the job of an armed officer guarding London's embassies. Read about our approach to external linking. She leaves out of her friend's back gate and speaks to her boyfriend on the phone for 15 minutes. Sarah wanted to get married and have children, now all that has gone. 'My only hope is that she was in a state of shock and that she wasn't aware of the disgusting things being done to her by a monster. This is relevant to the issue of whether the defendant has at any stage expressed any genuine contrition. It is not possible for us to imagine what they are going through. The arrest is more shocking because he's a police officer. The cold, calm way he did it would say this is something that was part of his repertoire. because it was 'not human behaviour.'. Depraved Couzens used his Metropolitan Police-issue warrant card and handcuffs to snatch Miss Everard as she walked home from a friend's house in Clapham, south London, on the evening of March 3. I speak on behalf of all my colleagues in the Met when I say we are utterly appalled at this dreadful news. The investigation is being treated as a missing person's enquiry, but due to its complex nature it is being led by the Met's Specialist Crime Command. Mr Little said: 'The immediate impression the passenger formed was that she was witnessing an undercover police officer arresting a woman, whom she assumed 'must have done something wrong'. Contributions . The most important question in this sentencing exercise, therefore, revolves around a question of principle: if a police officer uses his office to kidnap, rape and murder a victim, is the seriousness of the offence exceptionally high, such that it ought to be treated in the same way as the other examples set out in paragraph 2(2). pg.acq.push(function() { It had Romanian plates on the van, white Mercedes Sprinter-type van. I hope my statement made it clear we do own this. window.googletag.cmd.push(function() { They will never be considered for release, unless there are exceptional compassionate grounds to warrant it. But have you put your hands around your neck and tried pushing hard? ga('ads.send', { Facebook gives people the power to share. The importance of the defendant's guilty plea has been properly stressed. Prosecutor Tom Little QC said: 'The defendant's plot of land is very close to, and in the same woods, that he was to burn Sarah Everard's body after he had murdered her. Paragraph 2(2) of the Schedule provides a list of cases that would normally fall in this category, namely those, first, involving the murder of two or more persons, where each murder involves a substantial degree of premeditation or planning, the abduction of the victim, or sexual or sadistic conduct; second, the murder of a child if involving the abduction of the child or sexual or sadistic motivation; third, the murder of a police officer or prison officer in the course of his or her duty; fourth, a murder done for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause, or, fifth, a murder by an offender previously convicted of murder. Wayne Couzens joins a string of some of the country's most dangerous offenders who are expected to die behind bars. But it was suggested last night that plain clothes officers may have been secretly monitoring the suspect's movements for days. }); A whole life term has only been handed to 50-plus of the most dangerous prisoners in British history since the death penalty was abolished, including Rose West, the Yorkshire Ripper Peter Sutcliffe,Dennis Nilsen, Dr Death Harold Shipman and most recently in 2021, Reading jihadi Khairi Saadallah. Your wife and children, who on all the evidence, are entirely blameless will have to live with the ignominy of your dreadful crimes for the rest of their lives. We should be a family of five, but now we are four. CCTV footage showed Couzens raising his left arm holding a warrant card before handcuffing Miss Everard and putting her into the hire car. The murderer was caught and handcuffed after his hire car was traced to his address. Our job is to patrol the streets and to protect people Sarah's disappearance in these awful and wicked circumstances is every family's worst nightmare. The private, excoriating grief of friends and family seems to have been subsumed by the wider - albeit important and valid - reactions of protest and polemic, marches and mass mourning. The decisions of the Court of Appeal reveal that even when a mandatory life sentence is required, a whole life order is very rarely made. Lord Justice Fulford said Couzens tried to 'minimise his true responsibility' for what had occurred from the moment he spoke to police. We talked about the future. Ans. March 9: Police search gardens near Ms Everard's route and nearby Oaklands Estate. He claimed he had evidence of that communication in his mobile phone, but when officers examined it they found it had been wiped clean by Couzens. Couzens, 48, who was sentenced at the Old Bailey today, strangled 33-year-old Miss Everard with his police belt after kidnapping her in South London under the guise of a fake arrest for breaking lockdown rules. 'But no one was strong enough to actually take it any further, or strong enough to actually make him leave the organisation.'. 11:33, 11 Mar 2021 On Friday March 12, Couzens self-harmed again by intentionally running into the wall of his cell head first. The 48-year-old had been accused of the same crime in Dover in 2015, while working as an officer for the Civil Nuclear Constabulary. He casually pulled up to the serving hatch having ordered his food and I could clearly see that he was naked from below the waist. Wayne would also fix bikes in his garage. She said in the past few days, the couple had been getting their children ready to return to school after the lockdown was lifted. }); } 'I want them to know that they should expect to see more police officers on patrol in the area as we continue to search for Sarah and talk with the community. But I've got no mobile number, and they have [sic] got my mobile number they're obviously outside watching, following I just, honestly. 'This is somebody who is mature who has had a lot of life experience and that is an indicator his past life needs looking into.'. Mr Tullett has been a key figure in the investigation and the preparation of this case, going well beyond what could properly be expected of any police officer, and his role deserves high commendation. After disposing of the phone he returned home, where he stayed all day. }); We know it was broken. We couldn't even see her, she was so badly burnt. Inquest in Maidstone adjourned until after trial of Wayne Couzens, accused of kidnap and murder. She was last. However, as Dr Latham has observed and this goes to answer the second question there is no link between the depression and these offences. He is a wonderful family man, a wonderful man. eventAction: 'view' A simple post on Facebook on 14 June said: "Happy Birthday Sarah Everard. Officers were yesterday searching an abandoned mini golf park and leisure centre surrounded by acres of woodland near Ashford ahead of the news that human remains had been discovered. Lowth is a 33-year-old marketing director from Brixton who was in a relationship with 33-year-old 'missing' Everard. March 6: Met Police release an appeal, saying Sarah was thought to have walked through Clapham Common, heading towards Brixton home, a journey of 50 minutes. 'You treated Sarah as if she was nothing. To stop you. I hate to think of her being so scared and alone and that in her last moments she had no one with her. Wayne Couzens held a position of trust as a police officer and we are outraged and sickened that he abused this trust in order to lure Sarah to her death. In my dream I held her and could feel her physically. I have no doubt that the defendant wished to use a motor car that was credible as a police vehicle, given the Seat was extremely untidy and given its appearance it was wholly improbable that it would have been used by a police office on duty. As to the third question, the significance of the account given by the defendant to Dr Latham, I accept this is not a verbatim account of what the defendant said, and it is only a summary for the purposes of the psychiatrist's consideration of the defendant's mental state. Sarah was handcuffed, unable to defend herself and there was no one to rescue her. The compelling CCTV compilation, the product of 1800 hours of footage, along with the cell site evidence, revealed with absolute clarity the core essentials of what had occurred. Under the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill, which is currently going through Parliament, the Government is trying to expand the use of whole life orders for premeditated murder of a child. Earlier that night, he spent two hours driving through central and south London - prowling Kensington, Lavender Hill and Earls Court for a lone young woman to abduct - before stalking Miss Everard and stopping next to her. Who is Sarah Everard? It is clear from the language of the schedule that this is not a closed list of cases. It would serve no useful purpose for me to repeat at length what has already been said. They said afterwards: 'We are very pleased that Wayne Couzens has received a full life sentence and will spend the rest of his life in jail. She had just spent 15 minutes chatting on it to boyfriend Josh Lowth, 33, after leaving a friend's home. 'Everything revealed yesterday suggests Couzens has behaved in this way before. ', Asked if he knew where she is, he says: 'No'. Third, ensuring that this hearing ran smoothly has been no small feat given the number of people to be accommodated in court and via CVP, along with the lingering logistical difficulties posed by the COVID pandemic. 'We say circular route taken by the defendant as well as the areas in which he was driving are consistent with the defendant looking for, indeed hunting for a lone young female to kidnap and rape, which is precisely what he did,' Mr Little said. In 2019, paedophile Richard Huckle, 33, was found stabbed to death in his VPU cell atHMP Full Sutton. and In all the circumstances, whilst it is accepted that the tariff period will be in well in excess of 30 years, the court is urged not to impose a whole life order. As critics questioned how the Met failed to spot a killer in their midst, Scotland Yard insisted they couldn't have known. Her comments came as former Scotland Yard chief inspector Parm Sandhu warned how that in her experience, male officers close rank against female colleagues who raise concerns about their behaviour at work. At 8.15am on March 4, Couzens was captured on CCTV in a Costa Coffee shop in Dover buying a hot chocolate and bakewell tart. document.querySelector("#google_image_div").addEventListener('click',function(){ The vague state of mind that he suggested to Dr Latham is fatally contradicted his proven calculated behaviour over the entire period, including buying food and drink, organising vet and dental appointments, and coolly taking his family on an outing very close to where he had left Sarah Everard's body. 'And we are prepared and keen to do that.'. 'You murdered our daughter and forever broke the hearts of her mother, father, brother, sister, family and her friends. Her future no longer exists. He suggested he had delivered Sarah Everard, who was alive, to the gang. He took Sarah Everard's mobile telephone from her and removed the Sim card. They said: 'We'll be in touch. The Met is already being investigated by the police watchdog for its alleged failure to investigate two flashings later attributed to Couzens at a McDonald's in south London three days before he kidnapped, raped and murdered Miss Everard. Three hours later, CCTV shows himwearing a pale blue face mask while shopping at a B&Q hardware shop in Dover, where he buys two green rubble bags for 9.94. Bound in your car? Even as his story unravelled, the cowardly killer clung to his lies and has still refused to tell police the truth about what he did, to the enduring agony of his victim's family. It is unknown precisely where or when he raped Sarah Everard, although it was most likely to have occurred between midnight and quarter to one. she was raped and strangled to death. Pressed by the detective, Couzens tells him: 'I am in financial s*** and I've been lent on by, I don't know who they are, an immigrant gang, whatever, and they told me I need to go and pick up girls and give them to them. The CCTV clip showed Couzens calmly laughing with a female attendant. Rose West was later transferred to HMP New Hall in West Yorkshire in 2019, as rumours circulated about ill health and death threats. 'He had a total debt of just under 29,000 with a number of financial institutions, which were the subject of a debt management plan agreed in Oct 2020 with a debt management company, Payplan, with agreed monthly repayments of 235. As she threaded her way through a network of residential streets, she spoke on the phone to her boyfriend Josh Lowth. Q.3 Who was Josh Lowth 's girlfriend? Speaking from her home in Kirovograd, 185 miles south of Kiev, Ms Obukhova insisted that the biggest shock was that on the face of it, Couzens was a 'decent' husband and father. She had begun walking home and called her boyfriend, Josh Lowth, for 15 minutes, ending the call at 9.27pm. "I can't sum her up in a few well-chosen words, nor express what she meant to me by sharing memories. She would have been able to describe the locations to where she had been driven, having seen the town and street signs en route. Miss Everard had worked the day of March 3 at home, and planned to go to a friend's house near Clapham Junction to have dinner. It used to be a golf complex and a leisure facility with paintballing. Every bit you get is different. I wonder when she realized she was in mortal danger; I wonder what her murderer said to her. You get small nuggets of information and the thought process starts again. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he was 'sickened' by the kidnap, rape and murder of Sarah, adding: 'No woman should have to fear harassment or violence'; Wayne Couzens should be considered over unsolved murders and crimes, expert criminologists urged today as they said 'everything suggested he had done this before'; Harriet Harman today demanded under-fire Met chief Cressida Dick step down, as the force faced questions over how killer cop Couzens - nicknamed 'The Rapist' - was able to 'slip through the net' after a raft of missed opportunities; Priti says Scotland Yard has 'serious questions to answer' over the Everard murder with the force scrapping single-person patrols for plain-clothes officers after Couzens used it to kidnap Sarah; MailOnline can reveal that Couzens' wife Olena is believed to have watched the Old Bailey hearing remotely as her husband was jailed for the rest of his life. Join Facebook to connect with Josh Lowth and others you may know. No piece of information is too insignificant.'. As part of his armed duties protecting MPs and dignitaries, Couzens has provided static security for major public events attended by senior members of the Royal Family. He wasn't. You have ruined so many lives. It is a ridiculous reason. Sister Katie Everard wept as she said: 'My only hope is that she was in a state of shock and that she wasn't aware of the disgusting things being done to her by a monster. 'For convenience, they would often take home the kit needed. The second week of March is a key date in the delivery and formulation event calendar. He is quite clearly interested in uniform, sadism and masochism, control and handcuffs. Detectives searching for Sarah last night found human remains in woodland in Kent - as officers continued to quiz the serving Metropolitan Police colleague on suspicion of her murder. The defendant spent at least a month travelling to London to research how best to commit these crimes (as the wholly unexplained visits to the capital on 23 January, 5 February and 14 February). He visited Hoads Wood near Ashford twice during in the early morning, leaving just before sunrise. He buys a pack of 14 hair bands, which were said to be a 'significant' purchase and part of his plans. Giving evidence at the inquest opening, acting DI Lee Tullett gave a brief outline of Everard's disappearance, noting that she had left a friend's house in Clapham, south London, at 9pm on 3 March.. If you want to approach them about any concerns you have, please do so. Ans. josh lowth brotherpapa smurf tattoo. 'He hadn't been living on the road all that long, about four years give or take, but seems to be a family man as most people around here are. I visited them two years ago in the UK. They search Couzens' home and garden as well as nearby Betteshanger Park which is around two-and-a-half- miles from the house as well as an abandoned leisure complex in Great Chart near Ashford. And I can never get her back.'. Detective Chief Inspector Katherine Goodwin said on Tuesday that the arrest was a 'significant development' in the investigation, adding: 'This is a fast moving investigation and we are doing everything we can to find Sarah. Martin Robinson, Chief Reporter Miss Everardwas handcuffed at about 9.34pm, detained in Couzens' hire car by 9.37pm and they were on their way to Kent a minute later, Mr Little said. 'Our lives will never be the same. She said: 'Sarah's kidnap, rape and murder was one of the most dreadful events in the 190-year history of the Metropolitan Police Service. 4/27/2023 7:46 AM PT. The handset was forensically examined, and identified as Miss Everard's silver Apple iPhone. In between leaving the family firm and becoming a Met officer, Wayne Couzens did a spell in the territorial army and worked at the Civil Nuclear Constabulary, where he had firearms training, as part of the team protecting Dungeness nuclear power station. He said: 'There is very little evidence he drove from Kent to London with murder on his mind', arguing he bought the items to dispose of the body after she was strangled to death with his police-issue belt, adding: 'Nothing I say today is at all intended to minimise the horror of what Couzens did' and thatCouzens 'makes no excuses'. 'I can't believe this. 8pm: Dame Cressida Dick confirms human remains were found in woodland in Ashford, Kent in the search for Sarah. Today, more than ever, we miss our strong, beautiful friend," along with the hashtags #internationalwomensday and #FindingSarahEverard. Wayne Couzens was a serving PC with the Metropolitan Police when he snatched Miss Everard as she walked home in Clapham, south London, on the evening of March 3. I can only skim the surface now in the wake of the horror and the anger, and work through the rest alone in the weeks and months to follow. He works as a marketing director at a company in London, according to reports. 'Shards of her kneecap were returned to us to be placed with her body - shards that you knocked when moving her burnt body from the fridge you had used to hide her and conceal the fire. As to question five, Mr Sturman submits that a whole life tariff is an unusual, indeed exceptional form of sentence, that needs to be carefully and unambiguously justified, in that a borderline case should always be met with a determinate term. That they won't have to sit through the grisly evidence and twisted lies of a trial must be scant relief to her loved ones. Lowth reportedly resides a few streets ahead of Everard in Brixton. Recorded at the Studebaker Theater in Chicago, with Not My Job guest "Weird Al" Yankovic and panelists Tom Bodett, Josh . Detectives arrived at his house in Deal, Kent, at 5.45pm on Tuesday, March 9, six days after he snatched his victim. He had no criminal convictions or cautions and he was not subject to any misconduct proceedings during his time at the MPS. 'We have seen an overwhelming response from the public and I repeat my request for anyone with information that may be relevant to come forward, no matter how insignificant it may seem.'. Hoping my sister was unconscious and drugged, but we know that was not the case - no drugs found in her body, no trauma to the head.
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