Thanks again to D****** for allowing me to share her email with the rest of you. Greetings, welcome to Openhand. As some of you may remember, I loved chocolate candies and ate way too much of them over these ascension years. A First Everythinger is my personal, albeit silly name for the First Wavers. Natal Pluto in Leo in ascending, Embodied Soul infused, individually crystal-clear Volunteers provides the HighHeart abilities and psychological strength and endurance to do prolonged negative energy Work and not have it destroy or break you in any way. For the last two weeks, I've had occasional ringing in my ears Many of them are currently elder Volunteers, WW2 Baby Boomers (19391945) born with their natal Plutos in Leo(19391957). Known as the Pink Moon, this moon brings a bit of air to fuel an already fiery time. I recently hada psychic reading, and the clairvoyant/medium said that I have just gone through an intense spiritual awakening/I am definitely ascending into 5D, as I am receiving more help from the divine, and loved ones from the afterlife - as if they're sitting down with me having a cup of tea with me. These 2023 Mars/Pluto and Venus Eclipses and Pluto going Retrograde for the last time into late degree Capricorn are aspects of the latest NEW deep BLUE energy template layer. The good news is that due to the current evolutionary Ascension Process, weve been inching our ways up and out of that negative etheric filth, influence, and overall negativity. New Embodiment Pains In 2021. The human religious contortions from this evolutionary change will be something to witness, as will the transit of Pluto in Aquarius. Im NOT selling this, but physical pain can sometimes get you to very elevated, rarified, spiritual levels if youre able to utilize it to get there. Its all related to the January 2023 shift of global humanity having entered Triality frequency of ascending NEW Earth. Firsthand experience coupled with lifelong clairvoyance, claircognizance, decent multidimensional awareness, honestly knowing Team Light and Team Dark, grasping the past Great Cycle spent in Duality, and being able to retain accurate awareness of my multidimensional experiences is why I know what I do. Thank you, In reply to How to open my 5d consciousness? in certain areas of my face, including some other things Id never had before. Money and bills have never worried me for a long time, as I love the flow in and flow out. 2 nights ago i dreamt my navel was,growing leaves, specifically the mother of thousands plant..when i pulled them all out i was,left with an eye in my navel that i could see out of..i have quite a few of the symptoms i thought i was going crazy. by Bhavani Sri (not verified). This has me in tears. Do not misunderstand or underestimate your Individual importance in the Pluto Leo Pluto Aquarius ascension energies, Ages, past/present lives and timings. Only I call it disappearing because when It happens people can't see me. Continue doing what youre an old pro energy Master in all this First Everythingers; spanning larger frequency ranges than most could physically and psychologically survive plus hold them for years and decades within your bodies, hearts and consciousness. I got the sense that the layers and layers of round false light rings were its camouflage, its protective disguise. Use or duplication of my articles, posts, images or other materials is strictly prohibited. Because of this, my astrological interpretations are and will continue to be Triality-based and somewhat different, less linear and separated. Humanity needs to become conscious of the fact that theyre multidimensional beingsand reality is far more complex, malleable, and creative than previously believed. It isnt until November 19,2024,that Pluto remains in Aquarius through 2044. If we try to simply dump the distortion or drop it like the proverbial "hot coals", then you drop the aspect of soul that was animating the behaviour. For me the place where it begins is playing with energy, experimenting with it. The next layer of this has to do with our being in Phase2 of the evolutionary Ascension Process since January 2020. Nevertheless, that wont happen to, in, or through humans currently in the process of becoming ascending NEW Humans of NEW Earth. I won't say this is uncanny, more likevalidation that again i am shifting or mostly living in 5d. WebThe ascension experience is different for everyone and symptoms can vary according to one's individual degree of awareness, personal vibration, spiritual practice, individual Ive repeatedly stressed this because many believe the Uranian Age of Aquarius is about a higher groupthink Group situation when it is not. then go to church and have religious patriarchal males absolve you of your responsibility. [I wonder how many months itll take for this personal experience and Higher Awareness of mine to be plagiarized and show up on one of the popular TV aliens and/or paranormal shows? I am also feeling distorted and disconnection as I am going through the death of EGO whilst doing the shadow work. What Ive Seen with this has always been white colored false light coming from small round shaped circles in this larger circular pattern. I can already feel the energetic pull to retire but Im going to physically hang in here for as long as I sense Im needed to assist with the evolutionary Ascension Process. No fear, just knowing more about the profound evolutionary changes we, our physical and energy bodies, consciousness and hearts, and Earth Gaia are going through together. But such is theDark Night of the Soul, and when a person is suddenly activated by the current evolutionary Ascension Process (AP) to evolve into much more than what they have been in all ways, its a harrowing and usually lengthy process that literally transforms every person that lives it. The three-yearlong Saturn in Pisces transit will reveal these people, one after another, for all to finally realize they are not what theyve claimed and/or believed themselves to be. In my April 2, 2023 article, Additional NEW Template Layer Added,I talked about perceiving a vastdeep BLUE colored energy template LAYER recently added to the Divine Mother Feminine template of ascending NEW Earth for NEW Humans. In reply to Energy healer by Neha (not verified). These two planets transits in Pisces and Aquarius, in these higher frequencies, will rapidly remove the old thoroughly corrupted patriarchal Piscean Age Neptune and opposite sign Virgo the Virgin consciousness and systems globally. Some of us have done this at some point or points in the past 26,000-year cycle in incarnate human male bodies, and some of us are desirous of completing this level for ourselves by doing the same now in our incarnate human female bodies. What a journey this has been. , That was amazing read thank u it explained a lot about last winter and spring appreciation in Abundance, I'd like to know if you will have a guided accension meditation avaliable tomorrow, In reply to Dec 21st Meditation by Natalie Ocasio (not verified). Think of a relay race and each runner doing their part before handing off the baton to the next runner in their group. copyright Openhand Foundation | terms of use | privacy policy. 5. I can be sitting on the desert floor, normally ants everywhere but when I'm in that zone and really connecting with "God" I feel like it's a different dimension. How we die and how we exist is up to us as were still Working on a larger, longer playing field. Deep breath, hang in here with me please. Weve got this even though it may not feel like it at times. Do ask if you'd like some pointers and illumination from me. How were they attaching to reality in a particular way? So in any activity, for me, it's about always watching how I'm being. What does it monitor? This all resonates, as I have been involved in my own personal and spiritual development when I was 25 back in 2006. Not everyone who has ringing in the ears is experiencing ascention syndrom. I am definitely experiencing all of these 5D ascension shifts (except for 16 & 17 - the kundalini activations)from when (possibly years before, yet in smaller spurts) the COVID-19 Pandemic began since March. As if that werent enough however, as the old lower everything is being removed from each of us in every way imaginable by evolutionary Light and much more, we also go through the equally painful and confusing process of Embodying the NEW higher frequency Light and NEW Light Codes. Harmonic Convergence happened August 1987. Just came across your page. Ive personally lived this since 1999 and have learned a lot about these Team Darknegative aliens, negative extradimensionals, numerous negative alien created etheric Artificial Intelligence (AI) devices, creatures, demons, devils, entitiescreations and other things none of us really wants to focus on and talk about. Youre holding the higher NEW Earth and all that goes with it in your physical body, Embodied Soul and Self as a physical Angelic NEW Human for the rest of humanity. Yes, leaderless. If you would like support with this phenomenal shift, do explore Openhand's 5D Ascension Program. Some people will take advantage of these 2023 Eclipses to do just that, die and leave physical life and reality. The left image is the Milky Way galaxy, the right image represents the 7D Photon Bands of Light. Its also time for everyone to know that my online copyright Intellectual Property is written by me for One of the first negative etheric things Ive clairvoyantly seen repeatedly since 2000, was a single periwinkle colored sphere. Either way (and there are more options to this than Ive gone into here), youve been Playing the Ascension Long Gameand now find yourselves at the end of your ascension Volunteer Soul contract as Saturn and Pluto change signs at this point in the Universal Ascension Process. Our learning tostay in our lanesis really important for First Everythingers to discover and finally master. Please support my Work and donate, thank you. Said slightly differently, Pluto is how each of us have been cleaning out, clearing, transmuting and transcending our personal Underworld subconscious basements of our plentiful stuff (wounds, fears, issues etc.) You come into a hybrid state, where you're following the 5D flow, yet still existing in a 3D body. On April 19, 2023, theres a Total Solar (Sun) Eclipse happening at 29 Aries,(Fire) which is ruled byMars. What are the Ascended Masters: Where does Openhand fit in? Theres a great Hooponopono healing prayer for forgiveness that I posted here, which is excellent for healing the Liver. Copyright Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2023. To me its felt strange lately, I mean more so than usual, kind of like how it often feels before a physical earthquake happens. I already know it well - it's just about remembering it's there. Happens often in bed. Whilst we may feel a heartfelt intention to begin the shift, it's not something we can magically click our fingers and it's all done in an instant. It usually happens while I am surrounded by nature and I noticed there are no ants or annoying flying, biting bugs. And if that werent a big enough evolutionary leap, its happening in our current lifetimes, as in just one I mean! Know when youve been played and learn from it. I exported many of my old articles from TRANSITIONS to HighHeartLife (2013), which is seen by their original publish dates. I wrote about both of these things already but wanted to add to this because Ive received some recent emails about people experiencing skin problems theyve never had before. And its no coincidence that the USA government and its systems are reflecting these big changes. SHE/IT is something new to humanity in that SHE/IT is greatly integrated and contains both Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine. What I just said was linear and based on the past old lower cycles prior to the current evolutionary Ascension Process. Anyway, Ive already gone on too long and probably taken up enough of your time, but Im struggling to understand what exactly was going on, because I believe very firmly that some very real things that dont fit into my old paradigm or any of the normal ones Im familiar with were occurring, but I have no idea how to go about finding out what, exactly occurred and I cant even begin to figure out how to find people I can safely talk to about this stuff. What do you make of that dream? Whether its your skin, eyes, head, skull, ears, the skin in your ears, your spine, joints or HighHeart thumping and expanding in the center of your upper chest, its all caused by the current solar Light transmissions helping us purge out more and more and more of the ancient distortions and dark sludge both etheric and physical. Take time to discover your new self and explore your emerging interests. Ascension makes you appreciate the need for harmony in the world. Your spiritual consciousness is enlightened so, you seek to achieve peak human interaction. One of the most common 5D ascension symptoms is heightened sensitivity. Upon 5D ascension, your 6th sense is awakened. In this particular case, some of the Volunteers deliberately had past lives in ancient Egypt and other advanced places on Earth around the beginning of the Age of Leo, 13,000 years ago. How Do I Best Remove Entities and Implants? On another related note, remember in the early years of the Ascension Process I talked about feeling what I called the suddenice pick like pains? It doesnt immediately remove all the ultra-weirdness and pains and pressures compressed evolution causes, but it does help a great deal to know that one is NOT alone in all this and that in fact its normal for whats happening to humanity and the planet and beyond now. And so, layer after layer after layer of more energy template layers will continue being added to the NEW Divine Mother Feminine energy template. This can happen through an effective inquiry technique - so it's not about thinking we have to tell people the answer. For the last two weeks, Ive had occasional ringing in my ears which came and went at will. Many dont want whats happening and whats coming to ever happen, but it will despite all of their efforts. And dear fellow senior Volunteers, you thought Retirement Time was close at hand! Then again in December 2022, on my birthday I was forced to go to a local Urgent Care because this side effect had gotten infected and was very painful. I had no intention of hitting thepublishbutton on an already published article from TRANSITIONS dated, September 24, 2017, An Ascension Kundalini Process Story. 4. Also, the potential exists for some elder Volunteers with natal Pluto in Leo to, at some point in these next 20.2 years of transiting Pluto in Aquarius and our experiencing transiting Pluto Opposition natal Pluto for the first and only time, transcend and intentionally dematerialize their physical body. What does work is you doing The Work on, in and through yourself, your body, your subconscious Pluto basement and everywhere else that must be cleared by you and you alone. I've experienced a lot of change mainly with the 5G I know that I went up into the 5D this is during a time when which my mother was a lie I was also having visions I can see things before they happen then I had a feeling of me myself dying dying to self but I really just need to know exactly how to get there stay there begin to heal my body I've also experienced my spine was messed up and the other night I had prayed and I went up into the 5D the next morning I woke up I had no pain in my my spine area, In reply to 5 D by Harriet Jenkins (not verified). how long do the symptoms usually last for? 0:30. Waking up a Lot Especially Between 2 a.m. & 4 a.m. Its funny that when Ascension Symptoms or Covid? I laughed out loud at the 2023 sight of this longstanding patriarchal tactic of trying to deflect and shunt what the Sun is and has been transmitting energetically to evolve humanity and Earth bymanually chemicallyscent marking the skieswith patriarchal anti-evolutionsunscreen. Yep. Ability to see your light body? Am I Ascending?What are the Symptoms of Ascension? Surfed into this site at the urging of 2 friends that said my symptoms are ascension. On the one hand, this is a big milestone for humanity. The chocolate candy addiction or the negative etheric parasite entity attachment? Deep desire to know souls mission and desire to help the world? There's no specific meditation shared here on the 21st. December 21, 2022 Jupiter entered 0Aries on the WinterSolstice initiating the start of a new higher frequency 12-yearlong cycle around the zodiac. Get out of your comfort zone, listen to your intuitive nudges and learn something or try something new! As humans with our lengthy and very recent history in dense Duality frequency, consciousness and reality, we have a tendency to automatically and instantly think and believe that if something is light and not dark, is brightly colored and not dingy, is lit up with what looks to us like capital L Light energies, then it MUST be positive Source Light. If you want to know why this is happening, here is the video for you. If and when needed, I suggest you re-read my recent article about Saturn entering Pisces and Pluto entering Aquarius. Hopefully I make the full transition in December! Here are 21 classic symptoms that you're actively engaged in the 5D Ascension Shift taking place across the Earth as experienced within the Openhand work with evolving groups around the world. It came from On High, not from far out in physical space. Saturnian physical human skeletal bone structure magnetic field deconstruction pains and aches. WebAscension symptoms, spiritual signs and messages in 2020 with Landria Onkka Landria Onkka 103K subscribers Subscribe 1.3K Share 23K views 2 years ago #higherself There are some extremely important astrological sign changesastrological energy templateshappening in March 2023 I want to talk about from the Ascension Process NEW Earth NEW Human level. Daily synchronize and messages both waking and dreaming? question for anyone , so we are making a timeline jump toascend to 5D. We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you ever-evolving humanity. The Patriarchal Duality Fish are dead, long live the free Triality Waves. Thanks for reading. The same is true etherically, especially so at the end of lengthy cycles like the 26,000-yearlong one and others weve gone through in these ascension lives. I could not be more serious about this. Sudden emotional overwhelm that causes unanticipated weeping. Patriarchal Church and State being the two (Duality) main ones worldwide. Know that your relationships will improve going forward Deep processing on the plane of the Physical plus expansion. [This time at the start of the Age of Aquarius, Earth entered our areas single Photon Band of Light on Spring Equinox 1987. 3. Its been Pluto pushing the ascension Volunteers to see, feel, deal with, heal, transmute and transcend the darkness done throughout the lengthy Galactic Night astrological Ages that humanity did to humanity and Earth, and that Team Dark did to humanity and Earth. Copyright Denise Le Fay& HighHeartLife, 2023. I continue to write about these things to hopefully help educate people about their being multi-dimensional Beings that are currently quickly evolving through monumental amounts of ancient and current density and negativity internally and externally. Yes, theres a NEW club, the NEW Humans of NEW Earth frequency club, but entry into it requires each Individual be a specific elevated internal frequency rate and opposite sign Leo Sun HighHeart level to enter and exist on ascending NEW Earth. Buy some plants, pot some plants, get a hammock or patio lounger, an indoor and/or outdoor water fountain, put out a birdbath, birdseed, get a windchime etc. This Solar Eclipse will push us all to promptly broaden our sense of personal identity, free ourselves from pre-ascension patriarchal limitations, childish beliefs, disempowerment and separations and individually eclipse karmic completion and become an evolving, ascending NEW Human of NEW Earth. An etheric parasite entity manifested right in front of me at eye level. On May 2, 2023, Pluto goes Retrograde at 0 Aquarius 21 (minutes). In other words, it's about helping people realise a deeper aspect of self - why did they get blocked in the first place? Reflections also welcome :-), In reply to Releasing identity even with the 'good stuff' by Richard W. A couple of things spring to mind from your sharing. Those symptoms might have affected you in And that was where I got had by it not being able to discern or read it energetically well enough to instantly know which team it batted for! Dont you want to honestly be able to instantly know for yourself whats what and whos who when you perceive something supernatural physically and ethereally? Earth too is shaking, quaking, erupting, flooding, burning and being torn apart repeatedly by hurricanes, tornadoes, storms and all types of elemental extremes. Especially by working with plants, trees and the land - feeling the interconnection and how energy moves; noticing how shifts in you impact what happens externally. The moment it does, that pent-up internal pressure you were living with is instantly dissipated, and you feel oh so much better. Some of those Volunteers are incarnate now and have been living, transmuting, purging, clearing, embodying higher energies, Embodying Soul, and Working with Light energies since the Ascension Process started physically on Earth around 19981999. I have also been getting in touch with my guides more ( trying to ) and I have been spending more time outside and especially by one specific tree that I just feel drawn to and don't quite understand why. The Green Hope Farm Angels, Theres no doubt left anymore about whos currently ascending, whos descending, whos waffling, whos come unglued mentally/emotionally, and who are unknowingly fighting the entire evolutionary Ascension Process. Blessings. How do we live with the people stuck in 3D if we're in 5D? There are physical viruses and there are etheric viruses. Much love peace and positive vibes. Much of 2023 will continue to be this for those of us capable of doing this intense level of energy Work and purging in and through our physical bodies. Many of us see them, hear them, and most of us feel them in our space temporarily. Have also had a strong pull to move house with a bath tub in the bathroom, right near a beach where I catch a ferry into the city, as opposed to the CBD. Are you working with energy right now? Pain, fear, trauma, shock, confusion, self-doubt, negative beings, psychic attacks, higher expanded states of bliss and visions etc. Each individual Age is just over 2,100+ years long. If youre living it yourself, then you know exactly what Im talking about.
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