I felt like I could have written this post myself. Unlike Venus in Leo. I love him dearly and he has been the best boyfriend Ive had, but this one may not go far because I crave that deep, soul connection. this aspect really cripples me. With the men, there seems to be an ability to enjoy physical sex but not experience union with the partner on an emotional level. If you dare to try, begin by operating on the water level (emotional level) since this is a water sign. It must be that Scorpio is a fixed water sign that makes variability so difficult. I can manipulate but thats energy consuming. Im a Libra Guy with Scorpio in Venus and like some of the other Libras that commented before, there is a clash often. But it seems so pathetic of me, like Im chasing him, or like Im obsessed and crazy. Jealousy, possessive instinct and resentment can even result in a wave of cruelty and violence. Why not try appreciating what you and you will see how very emotional a Cap can get! Im a Libra, ASC Pisces, Moon Aries, with Leo Mars/Venus. This certainly explains a lot of my personality or at least how I am in a relationship. They feel in extremes: they either love you deeply or hate you deeply, never anything in the middle. I see your point, but I dont know how to let him know that my intentions are serious if he doesnt ask me out??? So if you really love a Venus in Scorpio, simply hand them your heart. :(. He is a sportsman and a great worker. I regret giving myself to him. What A Scorpio Venus Sign Means In Your Birth Chart, Photo: Getty Images / Evgenia, Darkmoon_Art, Marketplace Designers via canva, Scorpios are fierce, passionate, and dedicated, love language is physical touch or acts of kindness, negative drawbacks that come with having this placement, Best Zodiac Matches Ranked From Most To Least Compatible Couples, The Perfect Valentine's Day For Your Man, Per His Zodiac's Venus Sign, The 5 Personal Planets In Astrology & How They Shape Who You Are, How To Predict When You'll Get Married, Based On Astrology, What He Wants Most In A Woman, Based On His Venus Sign, The Zodiac Sign You'll Have The Best S*x With, Zodiac Signs That Can't Stop Cheating, Ranked From Most To Least Likely, Zodiac Signs Who Are Complete Opposites But Attract Each Other Like Crazy, Best Marriage Compatibility For Each Zodiac Sign. After we got back from the trip , I tried to keep in contact with him, but he kind of turned me down. He is charming, charismatic and enigmatic indeed, his appeal can be very intoxicating. I am a Libra Sun with Venus in Scorpio dating a Sagittarius Sun also with Venus in Scorpio. Above all, dont be an emotional wimp. Its very intense, I just love it! They can wait a lifetime for the one they want; they dont change their mind often. If you have a fear of commitment, you shouldnt even be reading this article. Having your Venus in Scorpio means that part of your expressions of love is passion. And can anyone tell me please that what i am thinking about others (like how they think about me) is actually the way they ARE thinking about me? People say they are very jealous but this one, not so muchhes more possessive than anything. I have deeply and hurt deeply, but I have never regretted anything. However, this does not mean at all that Scorpio is a primitive sign, who only wants to eat and sleep. Like its not a problem with me? nothing :D. I dont know what to do anymore, whats he been up to? First of all, I dont intent to hurt him or betray him. It is important that Venus represents the women he falls in love with but not necessarily his wife. And it took us 4 months to start a sweet smile and informal talking to each other ;) . People said that revenging in love is a childish act, I wont disagree with it, even I found myself filthy and unreasonable for revenging. I dont understand what happened? I have been told by both men and womwn I am not only sexy but exude sex lol I too was a stripper for a few years while going to school and was also a natural. Hi Ms. M. I didnt really do anything. Youll be ready to roll up your sleeves and work hard with a project or relationship that has been sitting on the back burner. And yes no wimps please. Thank you to the author for this article. It is not beautiful it is so painful. Ideal Woman for a Man He may not be aware of the type of woman he is looking for by his Venus sign. Coupled with intuition, psychology, extraordinary thinking, you are able to make the sexual experience outstanding! Remember: it is contraindicated for you to refuse sensual pleasures. His approach make me feel intimidate somehow , but I tolly understand because Im scorpio Mars/mercury too , I can tell if someone doesnt get use to this energy , you either like it or hate it. He had many women, but kept me along, because I didnt pressure him for more. After I read this I kind of understand his behavior. Should I text him?? It is extremely important for Scorpio to pay attention to their health, eat well, get enough sleep and, of course, receive sexual satisfaction. In his search for perfection, his standards are very high indeed, indeed he may expect no less than perfection from others. Can someone explain more his chart? I am very proud of him :-) (I am a pisces sun but Aquarius Venus) he cares so much for me but he is very secretive about his feelings! What will he say about you if you two dont work out? And there are no half measures! We do not have a proper closure. Venus is the planet that rules what and how you love. Cap moonunemotional? They feel in extremes: they either love you deeply or hate you deeply, never anything in the middle. While Scorpio men are intense and deep, they have to be evolved in order to not be destructive for me. They are always observing you, expecting to catch you messing up. We both confessed that we love each other. Scorp venus n cancer marstruly a soulful connection!! Incredible!! Wherever you are, whatever you do, I should not care to you at all. Pour out your soul to them. So yeah. Go with your heart. I know he regrets losing me. This article cleared up a lot. So as its written in the article that we are psyches, is it true that the way i think he feels for me is true? I read the reply comment from one woman in your Leo Venus articles , she said her scorpio venus man give her the intense love that she always want it , and she has no fear with his intense level. In a relationship, they will put up with a lot from their partners but it will not take a lack of intimacy or quality time from them. Then again , from 4 months of visits , he start to make first informative talk to me . We get along so well but that cap mars really tames his scorpio characteristics along with his cap moon tooso unemotional. Tomorrow after that conversation, I send him a message telling him I really missed him, and to stop pushing me away and let me get close to him. I felt that he felt the same way even though he was holing back. Good luck. This has a lot to do with their being very complex and even opaque, not only on the personality level, but also on a psychological level. With Venus moving through the sign of mystery and imagination, any creative endeavor is imbued with deeper meaning. Hi, Romantic dates, fun outings, and expensive gifts are all minor compared to their main priority: soul-level bonding like Romeo and Juliet. All my exes claim I was the one that got away. Venus in Scorpio never has to worry about finding sexual partners; their sexual magnetism ensures this. In same gender relationships, this is the Venusian expression, of the feminine, creativity and being in love with life. The Venus in Scorpio woman is mysterious, wise and mysterious. I hope U have learnt to trust Ur intuition and the msgs that the divine shows U. Ur deep, unique and different to most. I am silently, patiently waiting for my Juliet. Im a Scorpio born october 24. He said he dont love me anymore because we have such a big differences. Because I have so many problems with that, I got stuck up in that stage and it doesnt go beyond that. Another obstacle to intimacy is the fact that they are extremely secretive. I know not all venus in scorpios are violent but I am very wary now if I see alot of scorpio in someones chart. I know he has many girls. And I tell you its hard to love someone this intense . I want to give him everything, just dont know how to reach him, how to destroy these walls hes built around him. He didnt say much, sent a happy emoji and liked one of my FB pictures. Thats me. Im a sun in libra and scorpio venus too! Its up to him. Its all good, let it be, it is what it is so stop chasing around fake people trying lure you into sex and leave, my people! It is true that Venus Scorpio will always be suspicious and jealous, always waiting for the loved one to make mistakes to prove the love is false. He likes the attention we get when we walk into a room. The first one was doomed because it was unhealthy and I was not staying. Despite their complexity, there are many things that they like and make them feel happy. Born aquarius, but love in the intense of Venus-Scorpio. A man with this position of Venus strives to passionate, erotic, sexy women. This transit is a chance to completely re-think your ideas about what it means to be intimate with someone. Although she often hides her emotions it does not mean she does not have any. I wish I could apply my Pisces energy to my Scorpio Venus but It is very very hard. He doesnt know that I love him, but there is an attraction between us. As i always considerd myself a flirt, getting to know these feelings was very strange for me. You like keeping people on their toes. I know its not a nice thing to say, and Im aware of the fact that he might be having an ego problem. Have found so many beautiful kindred souls here at this site. I am shy, so I didnt talk to him even though I liked him. Im possessive as in Im loyal and want to protect her not own her or control her. I am a Scorpian. Did I say she is sexy? In a number of times I tried to show him my support in some of his stuff (e.g. I wont say in advance all Taurus women, all Aries men, all Scorpio men, all Libra women are the same so for now, Ill give him the benefit of the doubt. Thanks for the insight! Dont be thoughtless or unfeeling. Im working on my heart always, on what I give in non-sexual non romantic relationships too, cause I think Venus in Scorpio kinda only cares about sex and romance, and I realize maybe I dont give as much as I could have in platonic ways,and to platonic things-we bring sex and seduction whether we mean to or not to everything, we just grow up thinking its normal lol Im hoping widening and broadening my ability to love, and giving and receiving more, platonically, even though as a Libra Im generally good to people, on the face of it. I dont mind a relationship being difficult, challenging. They are always in psychological control, which hinders emotional connections even though as water signs they crave an emotional connection. Jet , I understand why , I also yearn for this kind of transformative bounding. Be careful they are notoriously judgemental as mentioned above.. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. He cares about me, wants everything with me, Im special etc.etc.etc. but I feel so reassured and in company when I read these threads. I left him after four years together. And of course , my illness is chronic , we would def . They might be discreet in showing their initial interest, but someone with their Venus sign in Scorpio is not to be toyed with. Wish all the best, wish you to be happy with you Russian girl. They need a dramatic life full of passions, mysterious events, complex thoughts. Im over him and this situation weve been in for too long. I always consoled myself in relationships when I was younger that my soul mate would still appear or emerge, I had hope, but as I get olderIm nearly 40 but I seem in my 20s to people..im finding the terrible longings for soul mate/twin soul type of love unbearable and consuming. He is married. It is worthwhile to understand that such a man, first of all, needs to satisfy his physical needs. And being a Libra, I have an enormous wardrobe (taking up several closets) and tons of charm with which to mysteriously lure the object of my affection lol. Whole page is truebest ViS page in my opinion. Venus in Scorpio often gets a bad rap for being a difficult transit. If Venus in Scorpio loves you, they will risk anything, even their own life, for you. Youre not afraid to show your style but you also dont want to show all your cards right away. Since Venus is responsible for values in the natal chart of a person, its position can tell a lot about our values. I have learned that a Gemini Moon Man is capable of handling 2 things at the same time and 2 relationships at the same time. And if you can apply it in life in one form or another, you will achieve material prosperity! I dont care what hell think of me, I know Ive done nothing wrong, Im an honest person who speaks openly. The calmness of mind is what comforts Its something I struggle with too. If you have any advice, please write it down. i (sun in taurus, venus in gemini) fell for a sun and venus in scorpio male, who gave me the most intense looks. They can be obsessive about this. I put my heart out for him cause I noticed he loves honesty and so do I, I adore honesty and when I find out he lies to me he doesnt think it is a big deal! The victim, I mean the object of their affection, will not know how or why, but cannot help falling under their spell. I am a Libra sun with Venus in Scorpio (and also Mercury and Pluto in Scorpio). this made me cry. This makes Venus in Scorpio probably the most faithful sign. Hi Ms. M. :) do you know his moon sign? I wrote him an open letter about my feelings and our situation, told him to read it, he said he would. Scorpio is the sign that has the urge to conjoin in every Only love should reign supreme The love of my life (incarcerated) is a Leo w Cancer marsthere i believe is where all our passion n desire lies. bless. I cant even understand myself until knowing the Venus Sign thing. But I think I must move on , we dont live in the same country its so hard. in Scorpio too, sun conjunct Pluto one degree! This article was very helpful, it made me understand him better. I just knew hed be important to me the moment we saw each other. Also, Im definitely very secretive about it, haha. How do they do this? You have to reassure them of your love often. Yes, be emotional by expressing your deep feelings, but be proud and confident about your feelings. I have found myself being alone for years waiting for that person who can totally appreciate me, longing and pining for the ones who got away, able to completely cut off without so much as a conversation anyone who has wronged me. helped him with hobbies, movies) I hope he sees the effort?? DAAAAAAMMMNN!!!! Youre freaking out. I forgive him even how many times he hurt me but when I make mistake, just one mistake, and he said goodbye. Some choose to stay single until they find their soulmate. Her seductive Scorpio charm draws people in, before she reveals her underlying vulnerability and insecurity when they get to know her better. WebVenus In Scorpio Meaning: Excellent Lovers. This is accurate to a T and I shared this on dxpnet.com because I want all Scorpio Venuses to read this. It is home to me. After the divorce from the one year marriage I stayed single for 5 years, some dating but no sex. So I cant think about that right now, I just have to get him to go out and open up, for now. Every exultation, sigh of despair, heart bursting expansion, deep, dark wretched sorrowful cry has brought me back home to infinite consicousness that knews only love. While they are great lovers and attentive partners, they also are tough on their partners. He seemed a total good guy.. We had dated all through uni and he was kind, funny family orientated etc. The love of my life , back in 13 years , has saggi sun, scorpio venus . Once this man has you in his sights, you are hooked. These lovers long for soulmate bonding, the undying union of souls like that of Romeo and Juliet, or Heloise and Abelard. I am in a relationship now and he is wonderful to me, but the passion is not there. Her intense sensuality and strong personality will wow any man she is with. He will want to solve all your riddles, figure out your manipulations the main thing is to maintain the level of sensuality and passions. Values are what will always be a priority for us. I rarely ever fall in love. Does anyone have any advice, what should I do? Frivolity has no place in the game Before I kind of thinking that gemini moon is too light for me but without this moon with the rest of his natal planets, he could be a cold living-death specimen . Dont know what to do or how to push him. Im a scorp with a cap guy and i appreciate this love very much. You can be mesmerizing and probing, and you wont give attention to anyone except the object of your affection. I tell him that Im very sorry for my impulsiveness but he dont accept it. Your articles are help full but i might be the one who will be single. It seem to me i attract the wrong men who really dont got nothing going for themselves. I Here Are The Zodiac Signs Most Compatible With Venus In Scorpio For Love, Marriage Or Relationships And What It Means If You Have This Zodiac Placement He takes a delight in the finer things in life, which he tries to surround himself with. I feel the same. Well I was with this guy for 6 months. They will abandon you if they feel that there is not a deepening intensity to the relationship. One of the negative drawbacks that come with having this placement is your propensity for jealousy. Scorpio is also a fixed sign; they have deep reserves of willpower. Thats some Libra crap. Virgo with Vorgo rising Venus in Scorpio. What would he say about you if you cant walk the fine line. He will remain calm under pressure, and slow to reveal any open signs of nervousness. Anyways I think its the best feeling having the romance alive. They are my closest friends. No surprise the guy I dealt with had his Uranus and Mars at a square. The Scorp? They are attracted to a partner who is capable of deep emotional intimacy. Which my Aries and Leos really hate. Let go, Nikki. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Being real with yourself hurts and makes you want to be alone and not fall for it again.but i am by nature. Im a Libra with Venus in Scorpio too. When love is your drive, the Venus in Scorpio should be the power behind it. Hi I never know where to post comments on these articles! My Venus is in Scorpio and I have suffered in my love relationships. While he might be willing to wait for a dream woman, this Venus in Scorpio man doesnt waste time on empty-headed girls. He does not want to hurt himself! You may have an evolving definition of what sexuality means to you, rather than having settled into some permanent pattern. Im 45 now. Id say he likes me, I dont doubt that, because he comes first to talk, he opens up about everything, likes to talk about himself the problem occurs when I try to get him out, on a neutral field, out of the club where we see each other. They are always expecting you to stop loving them. the last day he hugged me passionately, kissed me on a cheek and said come visit me in august. They have no respect for weakness of any kind. WebIf a mans Venus is in Scorpio, the femme fatale is just fine for him. I also found out Uranus/Mars in men & Uranus/Venus in women is a major component on how faithful someone can be. In the case of Venus in Scorpio, instincts come to the fore the wild and free energy of our true essence, unlimited by social norms. With the positive aspects of Venus, this transit is perfect for health care, understanding the impulses of our bodies. It doesnt matter where Venus is in your natal chart. Under Scorpios rule, Venuss lighthearted, pleasure-focused nature becomes constrained by a smoldering intensity and dark Plutonic undercurrents. This described my current lover who is a Virgo Sun/Pisces Moon/Scorpio Venus Man. Venus in Scorpio natives are deeply passionate, giving and committed. Wow Iris your relationships sound just like mine. The passion of my kiss is only 5% of that of the passion I hold in my heart Venus in Scorpio love is intense, loyal, passionate, deep, focused, private, dark and obsessive. To some extent, I find myself in a position where Id rather close my heart and just live my life to the fullest before I die than throw myself out there to find a person who has the same intense soul bonding relationship that I want. Rumi said, When you fall in love with yourself you will have discovered a life long romance. However, they will cheat on you without flinching if you are not the one.. We tend to hyperbolize our emotions, pay more attention to bodily impulses. Yes, both of your Venus signs are water signs. Conjunctions to Venus from the outer planets will alter your love style. The affections between us came so natural. I dont like games. Your boyfriend is not a placeholder just because the one you want to be with is incarcerated. Big Venus in Scorpio love X, Awesome. There are Scorpios who manipulate others to the detriment of them, or even to themselves. They are attracted to a partner who is capable of They do not blow up like the fire signs; rather, they silently premeditate their vengeance. This is a balance of character kind of combination. The Venus in Aries man is attracted to independent women who never become his fully. Please be noted dont judge a person based on his/her sun sign or venus sign only. The influence of Venus transiting Scorpio is extremely intense and powerful. After that, reconciliation will never be possible because they never forgive. Think of this as words from my heart I cannot say. I sensed that there was something dark about him. You need to be very and I stress very consistent with your words, actions etc. Omg Im a venus in Pisces + Jupiter and this touched me omg. There could be dramas in relationships, as well as secret attractions drawing you toward someone new. Am in love with a man 7,000 miles away but in my heart. Maybe they are faithful, but it depends on his options & natal wise,his Venus/Moon not inflicted or squared. I am exactly like that. Maybe this can be interesting! So even my libra sun want a relationship I refuse it right away ! Can you tell me whats her sun and venus im also a libra sun scor venus. She only reveals what she has premeditated to reveal. They are very sexual, and usually become skilled at controlling their sexual urges as adults. Very intense!! On the contrary! The bad news is, what is left after you both bleed? I m a libra sun, leo venus but in my love relationship , I feel I am more toward to this articles . But the longing and the torture is part of what we love, and I just hope I can find the balance of that sweet, subtle torture and connection and something that will last, someone who I can get past the Venus in scorpio self sabotage with. Last I heard he wasnt doing so well. Well, Id rather have an earth venus than have Pisces any day. Maybe it was too much reading all that and he needs time to process things, because I was very open and told him all about my wishes and plans with him. bless U, we have the same placements.. (Venus Scorpio / Rising Pisces / Sun Virgo) Suffering and the vengeance is the status for me. We talked the entire time I was there and he really opened up, said a lot about himself and asked me questions about me. While blindsiding you, the contradictory is that a mature Scorpio will actually be extremely protective of you forever. We are in 2022 and if you are still there Im totally agree Im libra sun with Mars Venus Pluto midheaven in Scorpio been with a Scorpio sun Venus in Scorpio and discovered that he had another boy around .. Im 27 he is 24 now I suffered so much after all the love we shared the moments he blocked me on social media and phone after all the message and voicemail I sent hes maybe immature but I still love him , got the same thought than you Ive suffered so much in relationship I dont want it anymore like at all I dont need it I need friends good friends money and power but the love thing can destroy me during years !!! They know what youre thinking before you do! Yes, I want a soulmate in physical form to but my soul is connected to and with the cosmos and all the life forms on the planet. so much more I cant even find the words because there are non. Im proceeding very slowly but not afraid to continue on alone if he cannot meet my high standards or hold my interest. They are sexy, passionate and highly magnetic. Each time she enters the sign of Scorpio our values, love relationships, as well as material well-being, are affected by this sign. Why do you say that? You know how to make them tick and want you back. It is important to him that he never falls short of his own expectations. When I meet a girl, one of the first things I ask myself is, is this a girl for sex or is this my future wife? This means that this is the house that explains why you like the people you like, what makes you attracted to them, and how you show that attraction. Its no wonder they can be so elusive; it can take a long time to get to know them. Im crushed in a thousand pieces. He knows how to treat a woman. They seek and want everything in a partner. Moon in Aquarius may have some things in common with Venus in Aquarius. Transits of planets affect all people without exception. They leave me starving. Venus in Scorpio women are known for their seductive charm and intensity that leaves men captivated. All rights reserved. I cant think now about what can happen in the future with the two of us. They are romantic, passionate, intense, secretive, and jealous. I want to learn about you and what makes you smile, laugh, cry, the things you are passionate about I breathed more deeply as if more oxygen was required to fuel my unbridled passions. I am sun in aquarius rising in scorpio, venus in pisces, mars in sagitarius and moon in aries. Fantasy love is not enough for us. I hope Ur amazing story and energy bad a happy ending. I was very young & he was very lusty. Unfortunately, he became severely depressed and never recovered. Venus in Scorpio is a strong, vivacious personality whose sexuality is her greatest force. Very sad, unfortunately. Haha call me weird I know. I was in a 3 year long relationship with a violently abusive lying controlling cheating and manipulative venus in scorpio (he was also moon in scorpio) who stalked and mentally abused me after we broke up. rodrick heffley zodiac sign, paul jagger forehead, grady college of journalism acceptance rate,