(The Ties That Bind), When Amy limps back into the barn with Spartan after a ride, Ty asks what happened. Ty later gets his line caught in a tree and goes to collect it, when he spots a wolf running through the trees, Peter comes over to give him a hand and Ty jumps. She declines and takes Spartan jumping without Amy's permission. Ty and Amy go to the Dude Ranch and are surprised to see a chair on fire. Jeremy also sneaks booze into Amy's drink at a party, trying to mess with her mind so she will sell him Phoenix.Ty gets fired from his job because Jeremy killed his own horse, and had it look like Ty did it. Amy refuses and says she wants to help her. "Are always welcome here" he adds. "Wise man" Scott smiled, patting him on the back. Caleb later goes to Ty, when Amy's not around, and tells him he believes they should let Ghost go. jack tells him that she'll be safer here and he's family so she's their responsibility too. When working in the barn Amy and he start chatting about show jumping and she reveals that she's worried about doing it without her Mom. Amy sorts out the schedules for Ty and Caleb to make sure all the work gets done when she goes back to school, she talks to him about it and he's annoyed that she's been talking to Caleb not him, admitting he was wrong the other night. Amy sees him when she gets back and goes to sit with him. Amy arrives and suggests putting the blanket on Merlin to transfer the scent of the dead foal so Daisy might pick it up. Jack shows Ty up to the Loft where he's be staying. Tara manages to calm him down, just in time for Jack to arrive and ask what's going on. They both head back to camp to get some lunch. He and Amy finally talk and she tells him that she's worried after the crash of losing him and he reassures her that he's not going anywhere. As he walks out of the door of his house in his dream, he wakes up from his cardiac arrest. When Jack says no, she organises with Ty to go up there without telling him. Jack asks Ty to stay with some cows while he gets a straggler. Amy and Ty figure out that Wes stole Spartan so that he could re-buy him to legitimately own him, they tell Jack but he order them to leave it to the "grown ups". He returns to the track and sits in the next stall from Dexter with Wade watching him from the shadows, unbeknownst to Ty. She promises to keep an eye on Lily while he's at work. "Yeah Scott, I'm fine" Ty protested, but his body seemed to think otherwise because his legs gave out completely, leaving Scott to catch him and lower him into the chair. In the morning Ty's fixing the tarp when they both get a glimpse of promise from a passing chopper. They get the bike back and unload it when Amy sees and isn't happy that's how Ty's spending his money for school. As he tries to find the right words, Kit realises he's breaking up with her and guesses it's because of Amy. Ty gets back and finds Badger waiting for him in the barn, he asks if Clint knows he's here and realises he ran away. He always does his best to try and protect her even from herself and especially from Wade. They discuss buying a ranch nearby together, but it eventually sells. He also comes into his own as he steps up to play a pivotal role in helping Jack deal with a tragedy. Amy tells him that Spartan is scared after he was taken in the middle of the night with him asleep upstairs, being blamed he walks away. Brad told him he got a new job in Vancouver, which turned out to be a lie. Ty tells her he's excited to go with her to the rodeo this weekend, Kit tells him that Amy and Caleb are also going, to Ty's surprise. Lou is a fan of Amy and Ty's, when Ty gets nervous about ruining Amy's school dance because he can't dance Lou teaches him. They get back to Heartland and tells Lou that it was "the best cattle drive ever." Amy gets excited about her school formal and is happy about attending with Ty, who appears not to share the same enthusiasm. Ty tells her that maybe she should buy another horse but she refuses as she has Spartan. As they take Merlin into the barn, Scott tells Ty about a job opportunity at the racetrack as a part-time stable hand five times a week in the morning, he considers. "No doubt," Amy replied, biting her lip. He joins the others saying goodbye to Mallory, when she heads off to boarding school, she can't control herself and kisses Ty. He later crashes a party she's at and when he sees Jesse upsetting her he steps in and punched him. Amy asked, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice. In Mongolia, Ty successfully helps save Gobi bears, facing danger along the way. Mallory then grabs him for a dance. Ty's not keen as it seems cruel and Kit takes it personally that he's choosing Amy's method over hers and storms off. Amy, Lou and Ty fawn over the new trucks in the brochure trying again to convince Jack to get a new truck, he avoids them by going to bed. He enjoys bossing him around the ranch and giving him jobs to do. On his last day as Scott's assistant, they head out to B.C. Where the hell was he? He finds Amy and talks to her about her dad and that if it was him he'd try and get to know him if he was so close by. Later, Ty's trying to get the halter on Merlin, whose fighting it, when he finally gets it on he praises him. At Caleb's wedding, just as the limo Amy and Ty are pulling up in (which Caleb let them ride in), Amy's water breaks and she goes into labor. He replied. Lou overhears this and confronts Ty about it and he is second guessing it because he doesn't want to hold her back. Jack continues to complain about it but Ty suggests giving it a chance. Amy tells him that she's heard nothing from him but Ashley has. When Jack makes Ty go on a supply run Amy tells him that she and Caleb managed to get Venture across the stream. Jack encourages him to talk to Scott but he refuses as he doesn't want the reminder of the accident. Scott tells them he has a lead on an orphaned foal that she might accept, he goes to pick it up and Ty stays with Kit. He and Amy arrive home and Ty's shocked when he see's he has a visitor, his Mum. When Jack ends up back in hospital he tries to comfort Amy when she gets upset about what might happen. "Hey Ty, I thought your shift was done hours ago?" When Ty's asleep in the loft, he wakes to the sound of a truck starting and driving away. Amy and Ty finish working with Acorn and he comforts her when she tells him that she and Caleb have ended things. (Coming Together), Ty is walking through the streets when two guys grab him to beat him up, he manages to get away and the chase him on motorcycles. They go and see Amy and when Lily goes to look at some of the horses, Amy asks why she's here. Jack tells him that he knows about the job offer and tells him that when Lyndy went on tour they would miss each other but when she returned they would love each other even more. "Nuh-unh," Scott replied, shaking his head. They lived in the same group home when they were younger. Ty tells him that in future he come to Heartland to cool off but doesn't run away, he agrees. In the morning, after the cougar attack on the Chickens, Ty continues to worry about Merlin being outside but Amy ensures he'll be fine in the round pen. The season begins with Ty and Amy happily engaged, Amy continuing what her mother started, and Ty studying to become a veterinarian. He takes her out to the jumping course he built for her to remind her it's not about winning she and Spartan love jumping. I'm just a little tired after working double shifts.". that's been injured, he intends on dropping Ty off before flying over there. After he catches him they all stand in shock as the hooded figure looms over Badger, pulls his hood down and Mr. Hanley thinks he's the one who's been aggravating his horses. When Ashley offers him a job at Briar Ridge, he considers it, when Amy tells him to leave he takes the job. Amy tries to talk to him about his dad leaving but he refuses. When Amy and Ty share the weekend together at the Fishing Cabin, they both finally declare their love for each other starting a relationship. Ty and Amy go out for another driving lesson and she tells him that Caleb ditched her. Scott returns and they tell him Daisy still won't let Merlin nurse, he tells them that in the old days he'd call Marion for help, so Ty calls Amy. Ty see's his sponsorship papers and starts to apologize to Jack about everything, he reassures him that he already signed them. Jack asks Ty again what's going on and he tells him that it will be better when the kids leave. Then he starts to check Ty's things upsetting him that they don't trust him, but Lou defends him. They she starts talking to him and trying to play him to try and get him to show her affection. Ty tells Jack that he hasn't seen his father since he was 12 years old. Mindy asks Caleb and Ty to take her to Mustang Meadow, Ty tells her Amy will be back from school soon and then can go but refuses to wait so Caleb takes her. The next morning, everyone gets busy disinfecting everything Daisy has touched. He's surprised to see his dad, Brad get out of the truck and tell them it's full of sick horses. Heartland is a Canadian family drama television series that first aired in 2007. The next morning, he's loading his truck when Jack tells him to get to work. Jack and Ty agree to work together to condition Money ready for the race. In the season finale, Amy announces to Ty on their first anniversary that he is going to be a father. Ty sits nervously in the Loft looking at a picture of Amy on his phone when Kit arrives. At the party, Ty and Caleb sit and have a drink together talking about the buckle Caleb won and Ty's decision to ride the bull. "Ty?" Scott does final checks on the plane and the pair fly out. In the morning, he tells Amy that he has a call with his student advisor as he's missed some classes and ensures his plans to go haven't changed. He tells her that they should just be friends. After Ty leaves to see his dad he calls Jack for help who brings him back to Heartland telling him he can come back to Heartland. They go to help her and distract the rustler telling her to run. Lou and Ty practice dancing down at the Dude Ranch, he tells her he can't do it and doesn't want to embarrass Amy. In the finale, Ty and Amy help two horses that belong to Lisa. (True Enough), Lou hands out confidentiality agreements to everyone for the new guest at the Dude Ranch, famous actress - Mindy Fanshaw. Lou is against Amy having a home-birth, and is frantic when the midwife is late. When Ty's Mum, Lily, shows up Amy tries her best to support Ty but also is dubious of Lily after causing him so much pain. When Clint has an allergic reaction to nuts, he tells Ty to help with the kids as he's his poster boy for success. Ty is furious with Ashley when Val fires him for being a criminal because she told him it was sorted. Ty and Amy hug and say they missed each other and kiss. The next morning Jack asks what happened and as Amy is about to tell him the truth when Ty jumps in and takes the blame. Amy spots a horse that could be Spartan, when she goes to check she realizes it's not him. ), "When Scott got into work that morning he was surprised at the sight before him. Ty's working with Harley when Jack arrives back from Victors, Ty tells him that Harley doesn't listen to him and is disappointed that he won't be broke by the time "she" gets back. Later, Amy's short with Ty and he tries to apologise for bringing Daisy without warning. After they leave to go home, the plane is found crashed in the forest broken and smoke pouring out. Ty ends up with Brad for 4 months until he starts to get caught in the crossfire of Brad and people he owes money to. They get interrupted when Amy calls for back up with the mustangs at the feed lot. Scott wants to leave to get back in time for "dinner" but Ty wants to wait until they know the horse is ok, amusing Jane that Scott's assistant stands up to him. He is forced to reconsider his future when faced with an offer that is difficult to refuse, but may jeopardize his work with Amy. Amy swiftly put the vehicle in park and cut the engine, excited to get to her destination. Jack announces that he spoke to Rodriguez and after 2 months of community service Ty's file will "disappear". Jack tells them he spoke to Scott and said he can pick it up in a few days and take it to the mother, he proceeds to sit and bottle-feed the kitten, much to Ty's amusement. She explains that there's only one guest that's rented out all cabins and has requested total privacy so they're not to go down there. Ty starts to get freaked out by the wild animal noises when Tim appears with their horse. The blouse is perfect by the way." Ty sets off the flare and are both left devastated when it passes them by without spotting them. Placing a light kiss on Ty's forehead she cranked the heat and let her head rest on his, closing her eyes. In the first episode Ty is found arriving at heartland having been hired by Marion. Ty pushes through his nerves of operating on a friend and successfully removes the metal and stitches up his leg. Ty offers to help but she refuses. (Starstruck!) Ty helps Kit unload Daisy at Heartland when she starts asking questions about the plane crash. She placed a gentle hand on Ty's shoulder in an attempt to rouse him. (Glory Days), Ty and Amy are happy to hear that Caleb is moving out when they run into him, they act as though they're going to miss him but he knows they're lying but doesn't mind. Ty checks Money's stats online and is surprised by what he finds. At the hanger, Jane shows Ty one of her paintings, in awe he asks how much it is but Scott tells him he could never afford one. They rush back to Heartland to see Jack being taken to hospital. Amy manages to get him inside and notices he has a fever, he tries to get up saying he can drive but Amy manages to stop him. They overhear Wes and Dutch saying that he's late to meet him, as they leave to load the other horses Amy and Ty jump up to get Spartan. As she goes to maintain the fire he watches her end early and tells her that she's beautiful. Ty is heartbroken but tries to be there for her still. Ty's against her helping the competition but she goes anyway. Ty sees Caleb kiss Amy later in the barn, seeing her potentially moving on. Joking, she asks even if she flaunted his baby pictures. (Step By Step), Amy finds Ty and they kiss before Amy runs off as to not be late for school. Tim and Ty spot that Pegasus isn't in a good way and move him into the Quonset Hut. Caleb invites Amy to Maggie's later with him, Ty and Kit. She tells him that she spoke to Amy who said there was nothing happening between her and Ty, and they kiss. When Ty's probation is over Jack tells him that he would like him to think of Heartland as home and can stay. We first see Ty when Amy is out for a trail ride, he drives fast past her close by the horses. For his probation, he was sent to Heartland to work. Caleb stays in the limo with Amy, forgetting his own wedding with Cassandra. (One Trick Pony), Ty is, reluctantly, helping put together Ben's new jumping course. Not only because he found, amid a table flooded with notes and textbooks, his vet assistant sound asleep, but because it was the wrong assistant scheduled for that shift." Jack appears to soften towards him and allows him to keep the hat Amy gave him. After he gets a present for Amy, from a client, he's excited to get back home to her for their last evening. Amy is further upset when Ty takes a job as a part-time stable hand at the racetrack for five mornings a week, she tries to convince him that he can do more around Heartland but he also thinks it would benefit them to have some time away from each other. Amy and Ty talk and he tells her that it's been a weird day as he spent it with his dad and it wasn't a bad day. Jack then kicks Wade off the property. Jack tells Ty about the Hudson Derby race, Tim cheated and won the race. Ty did his best to muster a smile. (Summer's End), When one of Stumpy's cows wanders onto Heartland's field, Amy takes it back. They almost kiss but Amy pulls away, scared that things will change between them. The lights come back on and Mr. Hanley finds out what's been going on. Ty and Caleb both complain to each other about their respective girlfriends, they decide they don't need permission and are determined to go to the rodeo on Ty's bike. Ty takes her on a fancy dinner and loses the ring. He's disappointed when he learns Amy is going on the trail ride. In the morning, Amy wakes up and tells Ty he looks better and that his fever has broken. In episode 10, Amy is left blind after a horse accident, and because they are uncertain whether her vision will ever return, she tells Ty she won't hold him to any promises he's made. Ty has an opportunity to travel to Mongolia with Bob to help save the endangered Gobi bears. He tells him he's heard him up every night this week, Ty tries to play it down and heads back to the Loft. Ty and Amy finally kiss after the Fall Finale but Ty soon leaves, without talking to Amy, to find his dad. "Ty?" Bell (Honorary Grandmother)Cassandra FayBob Granger, Kit Bailey (Ex-Girlfriend)Kerry-Anne (Ex-Girlfriend), GrantChase PowersAhmed Al SaeedJeremy Hughes, University of Calgary (Graduated)Online High School (Graduated)High School (Dropped out). Mallory tells him he shouldn't reward bad behaviour but he dismisses her. (We also accept donations year-round, so you are able to donate whenever is convenient for you. As Scott left the room, Ty dug his phone out of his pocket and dialled Amy's number. Amy comes over and finds the glycogen loader he was using, a sugar bomb used to energise racehorses. The next morning, Scott checks Spartan out and tells them they did the right thing and Spartan should be OK. They go back to Heartland to greet the new clients, Kate Kennedy and her daughter Taylor, Kate tells them about how he bolted one day and Taylor ended up in the hospital. Back at Heartland everyone is pleased to see him and he and Amy finally share their gifts for one another. While Mallory gives Badger a riding lesson, Tara talks to Ty and Amy she tells them that she doesn't want to ride and isn't a fan of Mallory's. (Coming Home) Ty's having a hard day at work, not finding enough time to do everything alone. "Amy you will love it just go to sleep if you want and I will wake you up when were there" Ty said grabbing her hand and rubbing his thumb up and down her hand. She looked over at her sleeping fianc in the passenger seat beside her, head lulled softly on his chest. They try to get him to drink the mixture and Caleb arrives and helps. The beginning of the season finds Ty maturing as he embraces married life and settles into the new position it affords him in the Heartland family. After the accident, Ty and Amy still aren't on good terms. They have no signal so they can't call the police, they come up with a plan to get to their trucks without being seen. Both having different partners, they remain friends but still have a connection that is unspoken but clear to see. When Amy opens up to him about show jumping, and Spartan refuses to be trailered, he builds her a jumping course nearby for her to practice on. He receives a letter from him in the season 1 finale and he's conflicted but decides to go and see him. (Seismic Shifts) Ty works on his truck with Amy and Kit, when Clint arrives he covers up who is not wanting to tell Kit about his probation. Ty goes over to Big River to swap with Caleb and they both sit for a while watching the cattle. They go back to look at it and Ty attempts to haggle, buying the bike for $850. He starts struggling with his horse, Betty, and Amy circles back to help him out. Amy and Ty offer to help with the kitten just as Caleb, Ashley and Soraya arrive ready to help with the orphans. Mallory and Badger come so that Amy doesn't miss her own graduation. They have a nice moment when he tells her to see her dad. Ty is on the varsity basketball team.Amy likes Ty, but he doesn't know. They wait up on the hill, keeping an eye on him. "What? "Ty.". They continue dancing and he's starting to get it. He tries to wake him shaking him and crying, not wanting to be left alone. Lou and Peter quickly rush home. She shook her head, smiling. Amy approaches and Ty tells her that he told Kit she'd help. He starts to doubt his decision but Jack supports him saying he made the decision with the animal's best interest at heart, the key to being a great vet. Kit eventually tells Ty that she did know about the outbreak but thought Daisy was fine so didn't say anything, she leaves. Wade breaks the lock and gets into Heartland, he approaches Ty with a tire iron goading him into fighting him. He doesn't and she gets bored quickly. Ty said. After a grueling labor and birth, Amy has a beautiful baby girl, Lyndy Marion Borden. She slid into the old but immaculate GMC truck & closed the door. When they get back, Ty comforts Amy when Mallory bursts in complaining about Merlin, they tell her what happened. She then takes him out and loses him and finds him grazing on a recently sprayed road. "Well, you know you and Ty, and this little one" he pauses and points to my stomach briefly. When he arrives back at Heartland Jack tells him to pack his things and leave the next morning. He takes Spartan out to the pen to exercise him when Caleb tries to ask about him and Amy. He manages to get away and they find him again telling him to pass on a message to his dad that he pays them back the money or either he or Ty is dead. When they spend time together training racehorses for the Derby, they become closer again and almost kissing. During a clinic, Chase Powers kisses Amy. Ty get's really excited and asks Mallory for some more secret riding lessons. Ty starts to open up to Jack after he showed his aggressive side by trying to stick up for innocent people.